Defeats the Moons of Peril bosses in Varlamore, and handles all prep.
How to use:
- equip your combat armour & weapons (weapons can be in inventory)
- start the bot anywhere near Neypotzli (the Antechamber, other prep rooms, or Cam Torum)
- select desired options and click "Run"
- Following quests completed: Children of the Sun, Twilight's Promise, Perilous Moons
- Decent combat stats, weapons & armor (see the wiki for recommendations: Moons of Peril/Strategies)
Fishing, cooking, and herblore levels make the supplies prepped by the bot more effective in the boss fights.
- Cooked bream (fish): heals according to your Fishing/Cooking level (50% of your Fishing level, or 33% of your Cooking level, whichever is LOWER; More info on the wiki)
- Cooked moss lizard: heals according to your Hunting/Cooking level (50% of your Hunting level, or 33% of your Cooking level, whichever is LOWER; More info on the wiki)
- Moonlight potions: boost stats according to your Herblore level (restoring more Prayer points & increasing your Attack/Strength/Defence more; Formulas on the wiki)
- Efficiently & fully automatically defeats the Moons of Peril, including doing all food/potion prep
- Requires NO supplies!
- Automatically fishes/cooks fish or lizards when needed
- Automatically creates potions when needed (which count as Prayer & stat increases)
- Optionally uses special attack weapons
- Option to swap weapon style for each different boss
- Option to use Thralls
- Effectively handles all boss special attacks
- Paths efficiently depending on our supplies left & intended targets
- Loots the Lunar Chest & sends items to bank
- Saves settings from last session, even when you close Runemate. Jump right back in next time!
- Customizable break handler, to log out for a little while every X minutes.
- Customizable stopping handler: to stop the bot after a selected amount of time.
- Intelligent delays between actions.
- Progress log with a bunch of info.
- My own custom, robust traversal system written from the ground up. Doesn't rely on the Runemate "web" to work!
Bot Settings: