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Defeats the Moons of Peril bosses in Varlamore, and handles all prep.

How to use:
  • equip your combat armour & weapons (weapons can be in inventory)
  • start the bot anywhere near Neypotzli (the Antechamber, other prep rooms, or Cam Torum)
  • select desired options and click "Run"
  • Following quests completed: Children of the Sun, Twilight's Promise, Perilous Moons
  • Decent combat stats, weapons & armor (see the wiki for recommendations: Moons of Peril/Strategies)
Strongly Recommended to have decent Fishing/Cooking/Herblore levels!
Fishing, cooking, and herblore levels make the supplies prepped by the bot more effective in the boss fights.
  • Cooked bream (fish): heals according to your Fishing/Cooking level (50% of your Fishing level, or 33% of your Cooking level, whichever is LOWER; More info on the wiki)
  • Cooked moss lizard: heals according to your Hunting/Cooking level (50% of your Hunting level, or 33% of your Cooking level, whichever is LOWER; More info on the wiki)
  • Moonlight potions: boost stats according to your Herblore level (restoring more Prayer points & increasing your Attack/Strength/Defence more; Formulas on the wiki)

  • Efficiently & fully automatically defeats the Moons of Peril, including doing all food/potion prep
  • Requires NO supplies!
  • Automatically fishes/cooks fish or lizards when needed
  • Automatically creates potions when needed (which count as Prayer & stat increases)
  • Optionally uses special attack weapons
  • Option to swap weapon style for each different boss
  • Option to use Thralls
  • Effectively handles all boss special attacks
  • Paths efficiently depending on our supplies left & intended targets
  • Loots the Lunar Chest & sends items to bank
Features in all of CuppaJava's Bots:
  • Saves settings from last session, even when you close Runemate. Jump right back in next time!
  • Customizable break handler, to log out for a little while every X minutes.
  • Customizable stopping handler: to stop the bot after a selected amount of time.
  • Intelligent delays between actions.
  • Progress log with a bunch of info.
  • My own custom, robust traversal system written from the ground up. Doesn't rely on the Runemate "web" to work!

Bot Settings:

First release
Last update
4.67 star(s) 39 ratings

More resources from cuppajava

Latest updates

  1. Cuppa Moons of Peril v1.0.52 Released!

    Cuppa Moons of Peril updated to v1.0.52.
  2. Cuppa Moons of Peril v1.0.51 Released!

    Cuppa Moons of Peril updated to v1.0.51. added Thralls as an option
  3. Cuppa Moons of Peril v1.0.50 Released!

    Cuppa Moons of Peril updated to v1.0.50.

Latest reviews

I have been running the moons of peril script for a few days now, and all I can say is the script is perfect.
Did 300 kc without any problems. When runelite was having some problems and the script wasn't working correctly (not script fault) Cuppa even gave me a refund for the hour where I ran it.

Great script Cuppa, keep it going!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Cuppa always comes through, solid bot. If I bring a rune pouch and book, do thralls work? Thanks Cuppa

I've been meaning to add thralls to this bot for a while, so thrall support has been added in the most recent update. Thanks for the help testing it! :)
Excellent performance, average of 20 deaths per hour, The author is also super friendly and responds super quickly, helping whenever possible.
I like this bot Cuppa is always awesome, however I would like to see two things added: 1) Thralls if possible and 2) ability to set an offhand for the spec specifically, since using a 2h weapon primarily with a 1hspec your offhand has to be blank i think?
Thank you for the review and feedbacl :)

Thralls are on my todo list and have been for a while; They're just slightly complicated and my current account doesn't have thralls unlocked. But I'll try to bump them up on my list.

Re: Spec, it'll currently use your regular offhand while spec-ing if your spec and regular weapons are both 1 handed. I suppose what you're describing could be desirable if using a 1 handed spec (say DDS) but a 2 handed weapon (like a scythe) but honestly I think this is pretty uncommon? I'm just hesitant to add too much more bloat to the UI for a very niche & minor DPS increase in spec.
CUPPA! You've outdone yourself like usual my friend! Thanks for the amazing scripts, keep it upppppp!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Felt compelled to write this review after seeing a couple negative comments on here. I've been running this bot non stop without issue on my ironman with minimal gear (torso, zombie axe, dragon dagger, nezzy helm, veracs skirt).

Blood moon WILL slap you if you don't have at least base 80s and chivalry on quick prayer, as well as some higher defense gear such as barrows.

I have had zero issues with this, and it has just completed my first set after around 300 kills.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Definitely one of the best bots i've ever used. No issues, easy setup. 300+ runs of moons so far. Only died once due to a laggy world (200 ping) but other than it's been flawless.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Gets the job done, as usual with cuppa. However, it does seem a bit slow for me? often times not moving to the next pool in time and getting punished for it. A natural run i can get in 3 attacks per pool whereas the bot averages 2 attacks and stuffing his face since he doesnt move in time. (maybe because its trying to move with the minimap?) I am confident in time you will make this alot better.
Hey, so as a note, if you're not already please use Direct Input & GPU plugin to be as fast as possible.

I'll look into how I can improve this more. I think the main thing is that the bot currently reacts to the change in floor tile, whereas it should probably pre-empt it. That's just a bit more complicated as it involves hard coding every tile, but it's on my todo list and I should probably try to add it soon.

Thank you for the feedback.
Cuppa deserves every bit of my money they get! 10/10 bot as they always are. From the first run I knew it was good
cant give a rating yet because i tried to use the bot and when i started it, it kept pausing itself and then not doing anything can someone fix or plz lmk what im doing wrong if so
Hi, I sent you a DM a while back but never got a reply. The bot definitely works. If you're still interested in the bot & would like help, feel free to dm me.