Makes normal spell book tablets for some good money, and magic xp!
If using this bot on a Leagues V server, please disable world hopping. Any further leagues support please DM me or reach out to me on discord.. Thanks
What the bot does?
Unotes clay at Phials, runs into your house and crafts spell tablets on the normal spell book.
Requirements ->
1) House to be in Rimmingon
2) Plenty of clay
3) Plenty of runes
4) GP to unnote with phials
To run the bot do the following !
1) Make sure "All" is selected on the make tab interface.. See image below.
2) Setup your inventory with runes / wear the staff of the tabs you want to make. Don't forget clay and coins!!
3) Start the bot here
4) Make sure you have runes, money and clay!!!
Example house layout I used to test ->
If you have any issues, want to request features please join my discord / DM me. There's a link to my discord on the bot interface.
I knocked out this bot pretty quick to get people going, so here's my current to do list with this bot ->
1) Add demon butler support
2) Add task system