Hexis Araxxor
Kills the new Spider boss with extreme prejudice. Highly customisable with any equipment loadout, special attack weapons, and much more.
* Kills Araxxor with any attack style
* Supports enrage phase Red-X strategy
* Supports Thralls
* Supports Harvest/Destroy looting for pet hunting
* Intelligent acid pool tick-stepping
* Multiple traversal and restore options
Example setup


* Enable Red-X if you have high dps. You will take more damage but you will get quicker kills.
* You will 1-hit the Mirrorback with a Ballista, a Divine ranging potion, and Rigour. Try and get a setup that 1-hits the Mirrorback for smoother kills.
* Leave the Acidic spider loadout blank
* Bring Spider cave scrolls if you have a lot of them.
* Bot supports Ectophial, Fairy rings, Spider cave scrolls, and web walking.
* Vengeance is not yet supported...
Check out the Hexis Discord server to give feedback on the bot!