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MaxiFletcher TRIAL 2.7.26

Strings those bows tighter than your boot straps!

  1. Madras
    Version: 1.1.7
    Good one!
    There is a bug:
    When i try to flecht normal shortbows, the bot works fine until the logs are in the inv. He click on the first log, select the knife and click craft. But then he select the second log and make the same. But the game can craft 28 logs at once. So you dont need to click every log
    1. Aidden
      Author's Response
      Turn on the Make-x progress window in your runescape settings
  2. JohnDoe808
    Version: 1.1.6
    An error free fletcher; however, would it be possible to have the bot make a consistent x amount of fetched objects? The antirandom inputs random numbers every time but I don't think any players actually do that. If it could randomly pick a number and consistently select that much I feel like it would prove to be a more potent antiban in that regard.
  3. CantSeeMeHomie
    Version: 1.1.6
    This is the only fletcher available for OSRS atm, it is very good! There are a few issues but the anti ban is impressive. I would like an option in the future to fletch and then string logs, to limit the amount of times the bot logs out. A few minors bugs need to be fixed and add support for making bolts/crossbows in the future. Otherwise, reliable and well functioning bot!
    1. Aidden
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review :) Yeah task scheduling is already on the todo list :P Any antiban you thought you saw was actually built-in to the client, i haven't implemented any antiban as of yet. For the most part it's not really needed. But it will be there as an option in the gui in the future. After exams i plan on rewriting everything from the ground up, when this is done, task scheduling will be implemented.
  4. dylanhunter
    Version: 1.1.6
    does everything i ask it. Sometimes needs a click or two to get going but i am very impressed over all