- Special attack modes (start / end of fight)
- Thralls and death charge
- Customisable mirrorback/acidic araxyte handling
- Flick bracelet of slaughter
- Optional DI settings and prayer flicking
- Break handler
- Traversals
- Drakans
- Ectophial
- Hallowed crystal shards
- House fairy ring
- Spider cave teleport
Dev comments:
- If you think you are taking too much damage, experiment with the optional direct input settings. Turn them all on for the most potato of PC specs
- I recommend always killing mirrorback araxytes. Kill acidic araxytes if you have selected an araxyte booster to ensure you can 1 hit it or you are using a quick weapon such as karils xbow
- You can use whatever gear you want, I'm not going to make recommendations here. Though note that killing mirrorbacks will require ranged to do it damageless. Follow wiki