Does anyone know what happened to this script? It has been working perfectly for me for about a month now, but it seems Atlas pulled it from the bot store completely. Unfortunate, as I was using it 10+ hours/day and was closing in on 99 RC. Didn't want to have to do the rest at GOTR.
Great xp, Chance for that coveted pet
Supports both Blood and Soul runes
Afk chipping or Active/rapid chipping
Supports shortcuts
Blood essence support
Optional DI usage
Must have pickaxe and chisel upon start and be on zeah
tl;dr Arceuus house in zeah has a library minigame. In the minigame you run around collecting books and you can trade these books in for xp. Up until now everyone thought of the books to be placed at random, but someone on the 07 subreddit discovered otherwise.
Reddit post: King of the Skill...