Class Trade.Incoming

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class Trade.Incoming
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static boolean contains​(int id)
      Checks if any items match the given id
      static boolean contains​(java.lang.String name)
      Checks if any items match the given name
      static boolean contains​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem> filter)
      Checks if any items match the given filter
      static boolean contains​(java.util.regex.Pattern name)
      Checks if any items match the given name
      static boolean containsAllOf​(int... ids)
      Checks if all of the supplied ids match at least one item each
      static boolean containsAllOf​(java.lang.String... names)
      Checks if all of the supplied names match at least one item each
      static boolean containsAllOf​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem> predicate)
      Checks if the supplied filter matches at least one item
      static boolean containsAllOf​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem>... filters)
      Checks if all of the supplied filters match at least one item each
      static boolean containsAllOf​(java.util.regex.Pattern... names)
      Checks if all of the supplied names match at least one item each
      static boolean containsAnyExcept​(int... ids)
      Checks if any items don't match the given ids
      static boolean containsAnyExcept​(java.lang.String... names)
      Checks if any items don't match the given names
      static boolean containsAnyExcept​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem> filter)
      Checks if any items don't match the given filter
      static boolean containsAnyExcept​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem>... filters)
      Checks if any items don't match the given filters
      static boolean containsAnyExcept​(java.util.regex.Pattern... names)
      Checks if any items don't match the given names
      static boolean containsAnyOf​(int... ids)
      Checks if any item matches the given ids
      static boolean containsAnyOf​(java.lang.String... names)
      Checks if any item matches the given names
      static boolean containsAnyOf​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem> filter)
      Checks if any item matches the given filter
      static boolean containsAnyOf​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem>... filters)
      Checks if any item matches the given filters
      static boolean containsAnyOf​(java.util.regex.Pattern... names)
      Checks if any item matches the given names
      static boolean containsOnly​(java.lang.String... names)
      Checks if all of the items match the given names
      static boolean containsOnly​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem> filter)
      Checks if all of the items match the given filter
      static boolean containsOnly​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem>... filters)
      Checks if all of the items match the given filters
      static boolean containsOnly​(java.util.regex.Pattern... names)
      Checks if all of the items match the given names
      static java.util.List<InteractableRectangle> getBounds()  
      static InteractableRectangle getBoundsOf​(int index)  
      static int getEmptySlots()  
      static @Nullable SpriteItem getItemIn​(int index)  
      static SpriteItemQueryResults getItems()  
      static SpriteItemQueryResults getItems​(int... ids)  
      static SpriteItemQueryResults getItems​(java.lang.String... names)  
      static SpriteItemQueryResults getItems​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem> filter)  
      static SpriteItemQueryResults getItems​(java.util.regex.Pattern... namePatterns)  
      static long getMarketValue()  
      static int getQuantity()
      Gets the total quantity of items
      static int getQuantity​(int... ids)
      Gets the total quantity of items matching the ids
      static int getQuantity​(java.lang.String... names)
      Gets the total quantity of items matching the names
      static int getQuantity​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem> filter)
      Gets the total quantity of items matching the filter
      static int getQuantity​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem>... filters)
      Gets the total quantity of items matching the filters
      static int getQuantity​(java.util.regex.Pattern... names)
      Gets the total quantity of items matching the names
      static int getUsedSlots()  
      static boolean isEmpty()  
      static boolean isFull()  
      static SpriteItemQueryBuilder newQuery()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • contains

        public static boolean contains​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem> filter)
        Checks if any items match the given filter
        filter - the predicate to check the items against
        true if an item matches the filter
      • contains

        public static boolean contains​(int id)
        Checks if any items match the given id
        id - the id to check the items against
        true if an item matches the id
      • contains

        public static boolean contains​(java.lang.String name)
        Checks if any items match the given name
        name - the name to check the items against
        true if an item matches the name
      • contains

        public static boolean contains​(java.util.regex.Pattern name)
        Checks if any items match the given name
        name - the name to check the items against
        true if an item matches the name
      • containsAllOf

        public static boolean containsAllOf​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem> predicate)
        Checks if the supplied filter matches at least one item
        predicate - the predicate to check the items against
        true if the predicate matches an item
      • containsAllOf

        public static boolean containsAllOf​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem>... filters)
        Checks if all of the supplied filters match at least one item each
        filters - the predicates to check the items against
        true if all of the predicates have a match
      • containsAllOf

        public static boolean containsAllOf​(int... ids)
        Checks if all of the supplied ids match at least one item each
        ids - the ids to check the items against
        true if all of the ids have a match
      • containsAllOf

        public static boolean containsAllOf​(java.lang.String... names)
        Checks if all of the supplied names match at least one item each
        names - the names to check the items against
        true if all of the names have a match
      • containsAllOf

        public static boolean containsAllOf​(java.util.regex.Pattern... names)
        Checks if all of the supplied names match at least one item each
        names - the names to check the items against
        true if all of the names have a match
      • containsAnyExcept

        public static boolean containsAnyExcept​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem> filter)
        Checks if any items don't match the given filter
        filter - the predicate to check the items against
        true if at least one item doesn't match the filter
      • containsAnyExcept

        public static boolean containsAnyExcept​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem>... filters)
        Checks if any items don't match the given filters
        filters - the predicates to check the items against
        true if at least one item doesn't match the filters
      • containsAnyExcept

        public static boolean containsAnyExcept​(int... ids)
        Checks if any items don't match the given ids
        ids - the ids to check the items against
        true if at least one item doesn't match the ids
      • containsAnyExcept

        public static boolean containsAnyExcept​(java.lang.String... names)
        Checks if any items don't match the given names
        names - the names to check the items against
        true if at least one item doesn't match the names
      • containsAnyExcept

        public static boolean containsAnyExcept​(java.util.regex.Pattern... names)
        Checks if any items don't match the given names
        names - the names to check the items against
        true if at least one item doesn't match the names
      • containsAnyOf

        public static boolean containsAnyOf​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem> filter)
        Checks if any item matches the given filter
        filter - the filter to check the items against
        true if at least one item matches the filter
      • containsAnyOf

        public static boolean containsAnyOf​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem>... filters)
        Checks if any item matches the given filters
        filters - the filters to check the items against
        true if at least one item matches a filter
      • containsAnyOf

        public static boolean containsAnyOf​(int... ids)
        Checks if any item matches the given ids
        ids - the ids to check the items against
        true if at least one item matches an id
      • containsAnyOf

        public static boolean containsAnyOf​(java.lang.String... names)
        Checks if any item matches the given names
        names - the names to check the items against
        true if at least one item matches a name
      • containsAnyOf

        public static boolean containsAnyOf​(java.util.regex.Pattern... names)
        Checks if any item matches the given names
        names - the names to check the items against
        true if at least one item matches a name
      • containsOnly

        public static boolean containsOnly​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem> filter)
        Checks if all of the items match the given filter
        filter - the filter to check the items against
        true if all items match the filter
      • containsOnly

        public static boolean containsOnly​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem>... filters)
        Checks if all of the items match the given filters
        filters - the filters to check the items against
        true if all items match at least one filter each
      • containsOnly

        public static boolean containsOnly​(java.lang.String... names)
        Checks if all of the items match the given names
        names - the filters to check the items against
        true if all items match at least one name each
      • containsOnly

        public static boolean containsOnly​(java.util.regex.Pattern... names)
        Checks if all of the items match the given names
        names - the filters to check the items against
        true if all items match at least one name each
      • getQuantity

        public static int getQuantity()
        Gets the total quantity of items
        the total quantity of items
      • getQuantity

        public static int getQuantity​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem> filter)
        Gets the total quantity of items matching the filter
        filter - the filter to check the items against
        the total quantity of items matching the filter
      • getQuantity

        public static int getQuantity​(java.util.function.Predicate<SpriteItem>... filters)
        Gets the total quantity of items matching the filters
        filters - the filters to check the items against
        the total quantity of items matching the filters
      • getQuantity

        public static int getQuantity​(int... ids)
        Gets the total quantity of items matching the ids
        ids - the ids to check the items against
        the total quantity of items matching the ids
      • getQuantity

        public static int getQuantity​(java.lang.String... names)
        Gets the total quantity of items matching the names
        names - the ids to check the items against
        the total quantity of items matching the names
      • getQuantity

        public static int getQuantity​(java.util.regex.Pattern... names)
        Gets the total quantity of items matching the names
        names - the ids to check the items against
        the total quantity of items matching the names
      • getEmptySlots

        public static int getEmptySlots()
      • getItemIn

        public static @Nullable SpriteItem getItemIn​(int index)
      • getMarketValue

        public static long getMarketValue()
      • getUsedSlots

        public static int getUsedSlots()
      • isEmpty

        public static boolean isEmpty()
      • isFull

        public static boolean isFull()