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  • im a bit confused how to set this up, any tips would be great
    would you be able to ping me on discord? Just @ me in general and I'll shoot you a DM (@theokaygatsby)
    Weird interaction with the new combat helper that never occurred before. I use your bot for colosseum and when flicking a mage/ranger going from mage to range pray repeatedly, it will put my overhead back on mage without clicking when I need to be praying range. It worked perfectly all for while the colosseum was just released, but now since you updated it, it's causing error with faster pray switching
    Should be fixed now! Thanks for letting me know
    does this support the colosseum?
    hello im wondering if im doing something wrong with the bot, when i run it all it does is auto attacks and pray flicks nothing moves i cant switch gear or anything, is this all supposed to be automated or should i be able to do it manually

    from the other reviews it sounds like this bot is a beast at toa and i would love to use it to help me clear my 350s abit easier
    The bot only changes prayers for you and helps you switch gear. You still have to be playing the game manually; this just takes some of the brain power and effort out of it.
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