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  1. A


    yes powerchopping and does the break handler even work? what are some time settings I should use
  2. A


    if u can fix the part where after the 6 hours are done, it logs out then logs back in but it stops at click here to play and says couldnt find axe error :/
  3. A


    damn this bot good af even tho it got my other acc banned
  4. A


    how come its SALE now and free
  5. A

    ApexChopper PRO

    it still picks up birds nest even when its unchecked btw, whenever i drop it, the bot picks it back up right afterwards..
  6. A

    ApexChopper PRO

  7. A

    ApexChopper PRO

    how to make it so it doesn't pick up bird nests?
  8. A


    that's all i woke up to, the axe wasn't even broken it just stopped at 6:25:00 got perm banned using this got perm banned using this
  9. A


    is there any way to make it run 12 hours instead of it stopping at 6 hours