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  1. wait

    Flinching Mate 1.0.1

    Get into your safespot, start the bot, and the bot will flinch the monster for you.
  2. wait

    Lumbridge Burner Mate 1.0.1

    Burns logs at Lumbridge bank
  3. wait

    Quest Assist Mate 1.2.0

    A semi-automated quest assistant, designed to make questing a breeze! Directly interacts with the Quest Helper RuneLite plugin, so supports virtually every quest! This bot is NOT fully automated, but will complete the wide majority of quest steps for you. To get started, select a quest in the...
  4. wait

    Nex Mass Mate 1.0.8

    Instructions The bot does not support walking to Nex bank from the outside world (yet) - start the bot at Nex bank, or in the kill count area with your kill count gear equipped. Recommendations When staying active - Your best ranged gear - 1x Antidote++ - 2x Super restore - 1x Menaphite remedy...
  5. slashnhax

    Agility Mate 1.0.3

    Simple straightforward agility bot
  6. wait

    Mort Myre Fungus Mate 1.1.0

    Collects Mort Myre Fungus using the Drakan's Medallion technique!
  7. M

    Resolved Logging me out when i go AFK...WHY!!!???

    This is so frustrating. Why is this happening? Ill be botting then i go do something else(youtube or google) when i go back to see how things are going its logged out!?