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Dec 9, 2016
RuneMate Launch (CLI) Arguments
RuneMate supports a number of CLI arguments when starting the client.

You can run the jar with the --help flag for more detailed information.

Standard Arguments

"Alt(s)" - Description
"-u", "--username" - RuneMate username - used for automatic login (or RUNEMATE_USERNAME environment variable).
"-p", "--password" - RuneMate password - used for automatic login (or RUNEMATE_PASSWORD environment variable).
"-t", "--two-factor" - RuneMate 2FA token - used for automatic login (or RUNEMATE_TOKEN environment variable).
"-w", "--world" - Default world used by the login-handler.
"-i", " --import" - Absolute path to a CSV file containing RuneScape account credentials which are imported to the Account Manager.
"--import-override" - Delete all RuneScape account credentials before importing from -i argument.
"--decorated" - Launch RuneMate in a decorated window.

Auto-start Arguments
All of the following can be specified multiple times for starting multiple bots automatically if required.
eg. -ac alias1 -ab botName1 -ap processId1 -ac alias2 -ab botName2 -ap processId2 etc..

These are parsed "in pairs" so the first -ac will pair with the first -ab, the second -ac with the second -ab so on and so forth. If an -ap is not provided a new game client will be launched.

"Alt(s)" - Description
"-ac", "--autostart-account", "--autostart-alias" - Account alias to use when auto-starting an instance.
"-ab", "--autostart-bot-name", "--autostart-bot-id" - Name or ID of the bot to auto-start with (or internal-id for local bots).
"-ap", "--autostart-pid" - Process ID of the game client to attach to for this auto-start.

Developer Arguments

"Alt(s)" - Description
"--dev", "-sdk" - Launches the client in "Developer Mode"
"-d", "-dev-directory" - Absolute path to your local bot directory (can be specified multiple times to provide more than one)
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Sep 24, 2017
This is great! I created a batch file that runs these commands. Unfortunately you still have to update the client first (even when not using sdk mode) which kind of defeats the purpose. Anyone know a way around that?

Is there or can there be an update and restart command line argument?
Dec 9, 2016
This is great! I created a batch file that runs these commands. Unfortunately you still have to update the client first (even when not using sdk mode) which kind of defeats the purpose. Anyone know a way around that?

Is there or can there be an update and restart command line argument?
Nothing in the client currently. You could make a suggestion for it if you'd like through the RuneMate issue tracker on Github.
Jun 28, 2016
This is great! I created a batch file that runs these commands. Unfortunately you still have to update the client first (even when not using sdk mode) which kind of defeats the purpose. Anyone know a way around that?

Is there or can there be an update and restart command line argument?
Or just support for updating in sdk mode would be nice.