* Fully automated AIO Wilderness Slayer
* Advanced pker detection
* Almost all wildy slayer tasks supported including Artio, Spindel and Calvarion
* Cannon support with reclaiming if it is lost
* Bursting/barraging support with intelligent stacking and target selection to maximize xp
* Highly customizable
* Very fast slayer points
* Higher gp/h than normal slayer
* Off task mode - farm any wildy slayer npc while off task (Except bosses)
Setup Instructions:
Setup your loadouts and assign the correct loadout number to each task. If you are choosing to do artio/spindel/calv remember the loadouts for bears/spiders/skeletons need to be for the bosses and tick "Do boss".
Start at Ferox bank.
**Required Items in Bank**
Rings of dueling
**Suggested items**
Burning Amulets
Games Necklaces
Revenant cave teleports
Stamina/Super Energy pots (Required for spindel)
Charged glories
Looting bag
Please post any issues/suggestions in the relevant channels of my discord: Join the Smurf Bots Discord Server!
Updated on
Feb 08, 2025
Released on
Jul 31, 2024
Trial time
2 hours every 7 days
Most recent
Jan 27, 2025
Version: 1.12.23
does not use glory to teleport for revenenats, all it does is trying to run away and then dies. No option to keep protect item on all the time, bot will just use all the prayer points and when gets attacked loses everything
Author Response
Do you have hard wildy diary done? If not then there is a teleport delay while in the rev caves, so the bot will just try to run.
With hard wildy diary done it will tele straight away
Jan 16, 2025
Version: 1.12.20
pretty good bot, not sure if my settings are wrong or something, but adding in zombie pirates would be awesome. I tried to set it up but wouldnt pray mage for the chaos druids.
Jan 01, 2025
Version: 1.12.20
Does not allow you to customize the amount of food you bring, and its kinda slow for teleporting. It is helpful though.
Author Response
It does let you customize the amount of food? It is one of the config options.
And teleporting should be instant, except at bosses and revs if you don't have wildy hard diary, which there is nothing I can do about.
Dec 16, 2024
Version: 1.12.20
i like this script:) if you need help with this script, you can write in discord to creater and him can help you if you understand whats bad with script:)
Nov 30, 2024
Version: 1.12.17
would be 5\5 if it would kill superiors..........................................................................
Author Response
It does kill superiors? Please send me the logs