Mines ore and banks or drops it
Most recent
Feb 07, 2025
Version: 0.0.2-BETA
Gave it a try, perhaps I'm doing something wrong. With settings rimmington, iron ore, bank nearest nothing happens. Stuck in "waiting for next iron rock" and hovers iron rock without clicking it when rock's been regenerated for several seconds.
Feb 03, 2025
Version: 0.0.2-BETA
Works alright, really delayed for travel from varrock west to the bank, also sometimes delays on realizing inventory is full during mining and comes to a standstill. Overall works like every "Mate" bot
Author Response
Ah yep, I think it still uses the old pathing, which would explain the movement delays, will get that sorted in an update.
Aug 17, 2024
Version: 0.0.2-BETA
it works fine. ill say though the movement is pretty weird. i wouldnt trust it in a busy world. it as far as it can see then stops for anywhere from 5-45 seconds before moving again. i go to empty places and i watch it so if people come i change world. it does a really good job well mining its just when going to bank its slow. in falador it takes about about 5 minutes to go from the cave the the bank and back. for a free bot it works and its fairly safe i left it run for 12 hours and everything was fine
Aug 17, 2024
Version: 0.0.2-BETA
Good while it lasted. Didn't even get to 30 mining before I was banned. East Varrock copper mining.