Monkey Arceuus Library

Fast mage xp, no runes! Runecraft too!

16 Reviews

⚠️This bot is in development. 0.4.0 has been stable in testing so far, but I expect more issues. There are known issues. See BUGS section below. ⚠️

New bot. In testing, and free until it works solidly. I would really appreciate it if you'd reach out to me (MonkeyWithKeyboard) on Discord and provide any feedback or info on bugs you find.

Why Arceuus Library?
  • FREE MAGE XP!!! No Runes!
    • Rate is level dependent. ~85k-105k/hr @ level 70. ~120k-149k/hr @ level 99.
    • Xp is 15 * Magic Level per book. My testing showed 80-90 books/hr without graceful and 90-100 with graceful.
  • You could choose Runecrafting as well
    • It gives ~1/3 the rate of magic xp.


1. Be inside the library.
2. Have 20 free inventory slots.
3. Ensure you do not have a task from Velia.
4. Press start.


* In the current version, this bot will get stuck if you have not partially completed The Depths of Despair up to the point of getting the book from the library. I am working on a fix now. Doing the required portion of the quest involves talking to two NPCs in Hosidius before they send you to the library. It's very fast.


* [Added for 0.2.0] Add logout logic to long break. Current behavior continuously tries to log back in. Thanks Moony for the report.
* Add check to ensure current magic book has been used prior to clicking on the next one. Thanks Moony for the report.
* [Added for 0.2.0] Fix onLoop transition message.
* [Added for 0.2.0] Add location to action prints in SearchUnheldBookcase.
* Add failsafe to Nothing to attempt reset if on for more than x seconds.
* Add failsafe to Nothing if it's on for more than x seconds y times in a z period. Thanks Moony for the suggestion
* [Added for 0.2.0] Add forced book update on null or same book error in searchUnheldBook action. Thanks Moony for the report
* Add handling for closing an open book. Thanks i drag race for the report.

Most recent
Feb 06, 2025
Version: 0.4.2
does exactly what it says it will do. in the mid 80s getting 110k an hour consistently. great script, thanks!!
Feb 05, 2025
Version: 0.4.2
This is an amazing bot if you are looking to get fast magic xp without use of runes or risk of dying (hardcore) this is what you are looking for.
Feb 05, 2025
Version: 0.4.2
another 5/5 bot. Monkey on his way up to cuppa hexis mike level fr more ironman shit too youre helping alot
Feb 04, 2025
Version: 0.4.2
Bot puts in works, efficiently grabbing books from shelves and turning them in. Excellent XP for fresh irons. No GP or runes needed. Also good for RC xp.
Feb 04, 2025
Version: 0.4.2
Would be great to add high alching or fletching for zero time waste. Awesome bot really enjoyed it..