Cuppa Hunter AIO
Apex hunter, leaving gathering for the weak.
Mikes Herbiboar Hunter
Efficient Herbiboar Hunter
Recursive Hunter Rumours - BETA
Solves Hunter Rumours!
1 Tick Hunter Mate
One by one.
Dan Drift Net Fisher
Best combined Fishing+Hunter xp in game!
Mikes Molch Aerial Fisher
Performs Aerial Fishing
Mikes Crystal Impling Catcher
Hunts Crystal Implings
Smurfs Black Chins
Chompa Catcha
Hunts kebbits using Falconer.
Cuppa Museum Quiz
Cheat on your exams!
Succulent 3T Hunter
Hunt them, Throw them, Eat them...?
Misfits Herbiboar & Birdhouses
Herbiboar pet made easy!!!
Sand Molch Hunter BETA
Almost tick perfect Molch Falconry. The Sand way.
KOR Maniacal Monkey Hunter
Ooh ooh aah aah
Chief Aerial Fisher
XP and pearls, from the heavens
Kush Black Chin Hunter
Mastering the Art of Black Chinchompa Hunting!
Kush Black Chin Hunter Lite
Chief Bird Houses
Who let the birds out?