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  • Did the giant foundry menu update? Gyazo
    Cause i cant figure out how to change the alloys and number of bars to put in and its glitching out when it goes to bank now
    The old layout felt better tbh
    new layout broke it for sure
    Hey Dan. Been loving using the drift net bot. Seems like last update has caused some issues. The bot works for 15 minutes before breaking and ending the script. I have tried playing around with some of the setting and disabling all runelite plugins with no luck. Is this an error you're aware of?
    15-minute disconnects are usually caused by network instability or vpn/proxy
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    And restarting you pc after a game update is always a good idea
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    Hey Dan, it seems the 1.5t Teak bot is getting stuck on/after the banking task. Just started today as the bot worked flawlessly for me yesterday.
    Hey mate ive used your drift net fisher before and currently using your 1.5t teaks, love your work.

    I tried to set up drift net twice this morning and each time it said something lie lilliilliil where it says what it's doing, and it charged me 2x 12 cents (24 cents) can you please reiumburse? cheers.
    hey ur 1.5t woodcutter only works in the middle patch for teaks even if u grow 2 of the tree on either side, the middle one the only patch that works and i didntt see that.
    I can confirm that all 3 trees are working. Try restarting runemate + runelite. If you're still having issues, contact me on discord.
    Hi man, I really enjoyed Dan Drift net fisher, however since today it won´t harvest the North East trap anymore and it also seems it doens´t chase any fish in that area. Southern one no problems. Any idea ?
    Never mind, GPU plugin seems to solved the problem
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    Reactions: dahnae
    is this bot working currently ?? mine just stands there since update and I've wasted enough credits today trying to figure it out.
    Haven't had any reports of things being broken after runemate was updated. I recommend you restart your pc, that usually fixes things.
    It's painfully more consistent on the Red-Orange-Green-Orange-Green-Orange lineup. It will genuinely fail damn near every time a sweepspot occurs when halfway thru the orange transitioning to green. It looses roughly 6k gp in quality and 25+ points and that's me baby sitting it.

    If you need any logs just lmk, otherwise the script works beautifully!!
    Continuation from Below
    Hey Dan, found a very specific bug condition with your Giants Foundry Bot. If you use Mithril & Adamant bars (14/14) and it's on a grindstone step, while hovering over the waterfall. If it has a sweetspot occur while waterfall Menu open, it will initiate "quick cancel" and fails on the grindstone very consistently. It will sit there continuously grinding the sword away, not even realizing its degrading.
    Blast Furnace bot must have a bug. Use to work great a few weeks ago, trying it now doing mith bars, whenever it puts enough ore on there to then collect bars, it just stands at the belt and doesn't move. Only works again when i click away myself then will work till bars need to be collected again.
    Just wanted to throw you a hug shout out on the Giants script! absolutely amazing stuff, bro. 70-93 so far and still chugging along. cheers!
    I have now officialy released the V2 of my blast furnace bot. I've also increased the price of the bot and limited the trial version to 7h/w
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    This new version comes with a brand new UI, multi-account support, task queuing and stop conditions. Also has many bugfixes.
    Multi account support is honestly a huge feature :hypers:
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    Reactions: dahnae
    Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but it can't seem to get started. It just clicks on the bar in the invy and doesn't do anything else.
    Please DM me with the logs for the bot session and a more detailed explanation of the issue.
    Love the bot, but it gets stuck after about an hour all the time. I can always fix this by just clicking "apply changes to bot" again, and that fixes it almost every time. Could that be done automatically when the bot gets stuck?
    Ban rates on my Giant Foundry bot seem pretty low, just got 99 smithing in 3 weeks on a brand new account. Was botting 3hrs/day on average.
    Did you know that Giant's Foundry is actually a 500k+ gp/hr activity? Reputation points you gain can be used to buy Kovac's grogs worth 70k+
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    Reactions: CuppaJava
    And all you need to start botting at the Giant's foundry is an account with 15 smithing and the completion of a 5-minutes quest!
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