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  • Bro, Fighting bot is sick. Only possible way to make it better would be to make it loot and bank. But man, it is insane!!! one night and i power leveled 40+ atk str and def. LOVE your stuff man. If ya got anything else to recommend please do!
    Really missing you right now Q....
    I went and paid $10 for OSBOTs shitty farming bot and it is absolute trash compared to what you created.
    I understand your need to leave, and wish you the best out there. Just know you are being missed.
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    Reactions: Qosmiof2
    I asked if anyone wanted to take over the farming bot but nobody wanted to.

    Sorry to hear you wasted cash :/
    one of the best farming bots ive ever used.
    realy good bot maker, wish the farming bot was still available, never had a trouble with it. it was amazing for the time i used it
    glade to see it back on the market :) should be a paid one for what it can do
    hey i used the farming bot the other day and it worked great but now when i set it nothing happens it just stands there while the script says traversing to tree :/
    Hello, web is currently down due to maintenance. Web is used for traversion. Please wait :)
    alex arnold
    no problem! thank you for the quick reply :D
    This is for your previous comment on Quality fighter. No I did respond when there was no error or problem, I resubmitted when the update came and its spam clicking, because its very noticeable by the system that clearly your a bot. This is probably the only good fighter I find and used many hours on it was just saying for the multi clicking I would stop using until its fixed. plan to buy some scripts
    That means something was up with the client. You don't have to post a bug report as a review, since it's not.

    Thanks for letting me know anyway. Thank you
    Got this error on your slayer bot, any way to refresh this? It throws this error every time i try to start the bot on different computers. Who do you write bots for if you dont write it for runemate anymore?

    java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: javafx.fxml.LoadException:
    unknown path
    Couldn't pot the whole log.
    • Like
    Reactions: Qosmiof2
    Hey mate, sadly that's an error that shouldn't exist.
    But so far it worked fine. Try to restart it a couple times.
    I'll send you the cash you spend testing it.

    Currently i'm working on my own client but as of script writing, i don't script on any other platform.
    Thanks for getting back man, I like this bot. Whenever you come out with your new client. I'll be your first user. LMK
    Hey so I have a quick question about Quality Fighter bot. How much would you want me to donate to you for you to update your bot so it doesn't eat if you aren't even losing health? I'm being very serious about this. Maybe we can work something out. I really love your bot but that is my only complaint.
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    Reactions: Qosmiof2
    Yeah sadly i’m done with writing bots on runemate sorry :/
    Your slayer bot still working? It doesn't load there

    The modscript that was required arrived in a format that is unsable because it triggered a AIO excepttion / streamcorruptedexception
    That's a problem on runemate's side. Not mine :)
    mateus pittol
    mateus pittol
    But still the bot working? or it's just with me?
    Yeah the bot works
    If you find a way for me to change my review (maybe by removing your comment) I will gladly throw you a good review.
    You can not update your rating or review once the author has responded.
    I said some harsh things.. to quick to judge... Making a slayer script is probably extremely difficult, and it has MINOR problems once in a while but its a fine piece of code. Maybe add that magic is not supported, I gave your script another chance , ran about 5$ through it so far, pretty smooth.
    I appreciate it. Yeah that hurt my feelings before lul.
    Anyway, np.
    wow i just fell asleep with this on for 5 hours, i wokerecognize aspell the spell tab just says "fuking spell yo" i want my 50 cents back.
    works fine noticed few buggs like overabusing teleports takes 5 lumbridge teleport and clicks on all of them
    even for grand exchange also keeps trying to use spec on hasta while on dragons and prayer melee on little blue dragons
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