Account yanked.

Discussion in 'General' started by oldschoololdman, May 1, 2022.

  1. oldschoololdman

    Jan 7, 2021
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    Been using the botting programs off rune mate for about 4 days now. Someone hacked my account off here and yanked all my gear. jokes on me i suppose but everyone should be aware. The bots specifically i was using are Litefisher/ Smart Agility.

    If anyone knows what I possibly did wrong to allow them to get into my account im all ears. I still would like to bot.
    #1 oldschoololdman, May 1, 2022
    Last edited: May 1, 2022
  2. RSMasterGuard

    Jun 21, 2015
    Likes Received:
    • Are you sure you haven't used an easy to guess username/password combination and didnt have MFA or a bank pin?
    • Or that you're using a combination that has been leaked from an external database breach (you can check via haveibeenpwned website, just google the website)?
    • Or you downloaded a gold generator or similar program or used a service for leveling in the past without changing your password since?
    • Clicked on any suspicious URLs from Twitch streams etc?

    On the very very very low chance you could have had the bot glitch and drop your items but that is extremely uncommon and the bots comments would likely have someone saying this happened to them if it was at all likely.
  3. oldschoololdman

    Jan 7, 2021
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    No I am the true Runescape noob here. I didn't have 2FA, nor did i have a bank pin. No gold generators, or programs other than Runelite, WoW and Valorant. I also thought in my head like maybe somehow it dropped my gear. But the set i had on during this was the Graceful set. When i got back to my bank only my gear sets were taken, and the cash stack. I have now updated all that good stuff, and reset all my passwords.
  4. American Express

    American Express RuneMate Staff

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Go to and search for all your email addresses. Chances are, there's a breach there somewhere.

    There is NO way RuneMate would hack you for your gold/items. We would not risk our entire reputation over the small amount of gold/items any user would have.

    Furthermore, from the moment you enter your username/password combination in to the client, the information is immediately encrypted and impossible for anyone to read and use.

    Bot Authors do not have access to your username or password. The only person who does is YOU.

    There have been many accusations of this over the years and almost every single time without fail the user has later determined the fault occurred elsewhere.

    Individual bots do not have access to credentials of any sort. In addition, every line of every version of every bot is reviewed by a proprietary scanner for malicious code and manually by a Staff member.

    Regarding your computer, I suggest running a scan using Windows Defender and Malware Bytes and taking any recommended actions.

    To summarise and make it extremely clear, RuneMate did not hack you and steal your items.

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