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Automatically protect yourself against supported bosses:
ToA: Akkha, Zebak, Wardens
ToB: Nylo Boss, Sotetseg, Verzik
CoX: Olm
DT2: Leviathan, Whisperer, Vardorvis
Other: Nightmare, Jads, Hunllef, Muspah

Conserve Prayer Points:
1T flicks prayers when they're manually turned on. Enjoy a life of infinite prayer everywhere you go!

Gear Switch Assist™:
Swapping weapons will automatically switch your gear. Items in your inventory are checked for a match in your custom equipment list. Adding a "!" prefix will only equip those items when switching to a one handed weapon. Holding the CTRL key while switching weapons will not initiate a gear switch.
Example Configuration:
Range Weapons: blowpipe, bow
Range Equipment: masori, anguish, !buckler

RNG Assist:
Includes additional RNG. Placebo not included.

Now With AutoThrall™ and AutoDeathCharge Technology:
Summons a Greater Ghostly Thrall and cast Death Charge when you attack *anything*.

Hotkey Support:
Assign hotkeys to switch your prayers, eat food, drink brews & restores. All raid-equivalent variants are supported.

Slayer Support:
Auto targets a new NPC after killing one. Auto eats food, uses boost potions, cures poison/venom, drinks antifire, and looks for a teleport after your task is done.

PvP Support:
Prays against your opponent's weapon. Auto equips recoil rings.

First release
Last update
4.89 star(s) 38 ratings

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  1. Gatsby Combat Helper v2.5.0 Released!

    Gatsby Combat Helper updated to v2.5.0.
  2. Gatsby Combat Helper v2.4.9 Released!

    Gatsby Combat Helper updated to v2.4.9.
  3. Gatsby Combat Helper v2.4.8 Released!

    Gatsby Combat Helper updated to v2.4.8.

Latest reviews

I have used this bot a TON! I recommend it to everyone. The only constructive comment i could give is in CoX, when you are about to enter olm room could you change the area of effect to only be olms room so it doesn't start praying before you click the door? Love the bot tho!
Been using this for over a year now, and i can't play the game anymore normally because I am spoiled by how amazing this bot works. Makes TOA and Cox so incredibly chill, even in groups. Gatsby is the best and I hope this bot never leaves. Makes the game overall more enjoyable and chill. Can't recommend this enough, Thank you Gatsby!!!
this bot is a 10/10 never get banned either makes phosani actually viable in ur armchairrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Absolutely ridiculous, worked 100% on 6 jad challenge first try
First Bot i've tried and its perfect
By far the best bot for assisting with bossing and any combat in general, has an insane amount of customization and on top of it all is incredibly easy to set up.
It works great but my hotkeys sometimes don't work. Is that because of key remapping plugin of runelite?
Have you noticed anything consistent about when they fail to work? It’s probably not due to the plugin but it’s possible. Feel free to DM me or join my discord if you have any additional information to provide.
after use of over an year or possible more i got hit by a ban i suspect dt2 bosses since a friend of mine also had this when he started using it there.... None the less i might have pushed it abit toomuch and i still rate this 1 5 out of 5 because eventually we all will be caught and it works flawlessly
This bot has tons of features and he's always looking to add more. Makes PVM much more bearable. 5/5
It is a good bot BUT while it does say it supports Jads, it does not support melee protect from Jads. Also, no matter how I tweak the settings, it does not swap offensive prayers nor does it activate/flick offensive prayer. You have to do it manually then it will flick it. Hoping for more support from more bosses. Otherwise, a great bot.
would appreciate if you reached out to me directly if you have issues :)
if you could send me a screenshot of your settings (equipment section in particular) i'd love to help you out. either send me a DM or mention me in discord (@theokaygatsby)
100% bangin - Not only does the man keep coming out with new and amazing features, it's been rock solid since release - One of the early adopters, sorry I haven't put this fire notice out for everyone else to get on board sooner Gats <3