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Mage Training Arena Trial 1.6.0

Completes MTA with tasks

  1. snapp34
    Version: 1.2.1
    Alchemy room seems fixed 5 star script great job
  2. fistfury12
    Version: 1.1.7
    wasted 300 nature runes because bot decided to log off before depositing all the coins as trial ended
    1. michael5555
      Author's Response
      Leaving the room with coins in invent converts to points and xp. As it would turn out, logging out only converts the coins to points. An oversight on Jagex's end that you don't gain that bonus xp as you mentioned. I've pushed a fix to always leave this room whenever we are stopping the bot or going for a break.
  3. snapp34
    Version: 1.1.7
    Alchemy room seems to run slow, other than that the bot is great
    1. michael5555
      Author's Response
      I haven't had any problems here, can you dm me a gif of how the bot performs on your specs? What is wrong? You guys need to help me out here because I don't see any issues on my end
  4. lemecnath2
    Version: 1.0.4
    Obviously the only working MTA bot on runemate, heres some feedback: Found that using mouse multiplier at 3.0 works a lot better but there is still the below issues: Graveyard - no count in place so often withdraws too much bones for what is needed; not really human like. Telekentetic - runs to the far side of the corner rather than a near side making the user to take longer to solve the puzzles and not really human like. Alchemist - just a fast room for the bot, the bot cant keep up and only does maybe 10 alchs per item rotation. Enchantment room: no issues, like the fact it sticks to one corner.
    1. michael5555
      Author's Response
      Graveyard - It does use smart calculation. Turn on the RL plugin and you can see it grabs just enough. It just doesn't use the pattern wiki recommends as there is no point

      Telekinetic - Will look into use pre-emptive corners instead of just the wall. I had put it off to prevent any bugs but I'm pretty confident the logic is good now.

      Alchemist - I haven't had any problems here, can you dm me a gif of how the bot performs on your specs?
  5. saj4now
    Version: 1.0.0
    Does every room flawlessly, so far I have got my b2p and working towards Mwand and Infinity boots. Thanks Michael5555
  6. Dayoyo
    Version: 1.0.0
    It does what it says on the box. Dev open to receiving feedback. ++