Bury that bone in the comfort of your own bank! | Scatter and Bury options
First Look:
Supports any location with a "Banker"
Supported Bury/Scatter Options:
Logout When No Supplies Remaining:
Default option is to NOT log out when out of supplies.
How To Use:
For now, the bot will run before making a selection. The bot will PAUSE, giving you the chance to make your selection.
First Look:

Supports any location with a "Banker"
Supported Bury/Scatter Options:

Logout When No Supplies Remaining:

Default option is to NOT log out when out of supplies.
How To Use:
For now, the bot will run before making a selection. The bot will PAUSE, giving you the chance to make your selection.
- Be near a "Banker".
- Have selected "Bone selection" option in your inventory OR your bank.
- Make your selection from the drop down menu.
- Choose if you'd like to logout when out of supplies.
Reasons The Bot Might Pause:
- As mentioned above, the bot is GUARANTEED to pause right off the bat due to there being no selection made yet.
- No resources present in bank or inventory.
- Not near a "Banker".