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  1. defeat3d

    1 Tick Hunter Mate 2.0.13

    Uses tick manipulation to achieve the highest possible hunter experience rate. Key features: Supports all locations - beware this bot will work for black chinchompas, but won't avoid getting killed! Supports all sorts of 3 tick item combinations - see below for an overview Supports Celastrus...
  2. L

    OSRS [Hunter] Black chin bot?

    Just wondering why no one has made a black chin bot on here yet? Considering they are over 3k ea seems like something that should be on here.
  3. Y

    Super slow hunter bots

    Hi there fellow bots I just came back after taking a break for a year. Wanted to go and bot me some chins to make some money. But they are SOOOOOOO slow? Is there a way I can fix this? I tried the following bots; Regal Hunter Prime hunter Math hunteris ApexHunter (beta) and they were all...
  4. dylan turner

    RS3 Chinchompa bot + bow support

    Hi, Celestial hunter is a nice enough script for training hunter nad earning a little bit of gold doing so, but if i was doing hunter for gp, celestial hunter loses alot of gp + xp/h. Celestial hunter beta used to support killing chinchompas with a bow which were out of range so they respawn...