Uses tick manipulation to achieve the highest possible hunter experience rate.
Key features:
This bot can use any 3 tick item combination listed in the image below. Additionally, Celastrus bark in combination with a knife can be used to start 4 tick cycles for even quicker trap resets!
Please note that this bot requires low latency (lag, ping) and a stable connection to perform optimally, so I recommend finding yourself a stable world with low ping.
Key features:
- Supports all locations - beware this bot will work for black chinchompas, but won't avoid getting killed!
- Supports all sorts of 3 tick item combinations - see below for an overview
- Supports Celastrus bark and knife for 4 tick trap resets
- Will clean a herb or switch item combination when necessary
- Intelligent crash prevention - will confuse the crasher rather than get confused!
- Box traps - I recommend bringing a few extra!
- 3 tick item combination - see below
- (Optional) Celastrus bark and knife - requires 40 fletching
This bot can use any 3 tick item combination listed in the image below. Additionally, Celastrus bark in combination with a knife can be used to start 4 tick cycles for even quicker trap resets!

Please note that this bot requires low latency (lag, ping) and a stable connection to perform optimally, so I recommend finding yourself a stable world with low ping.