Kills Zulrah for massive rewards!
Key features:
- Perfect positioning to deal the most and take the least damage
- Orb walking to maximize damage while moving around
- One tick prayers or normal prayers
- Intelligent eating behavior
- Reduces venom using Cure Me, any antipoison or any antivenom
- Hybrid or ranged only playstyle
- Autocasts regular, ancient and arceuus combat spells
- Support for all magic and ranged equipment
- Recharges your powered staff
- Summons thralls for that extra damage boost
- Utilizes your rune pouch - or not, if you don't have or need one
- Multiple traversal methods - Zul-andra teleport, POH fairy ring, Monastery fairy ring and Legend's guild fairy ring
- Multiple banking locations
- Restores your stats at your POH or at Ferox enclave
- Death handling - recovers your items and continues
- Break and stop handling
- Automatically saves your settings for the next sessions thanks to DefaultUI
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