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Kills Zulrah for massive rewards!

Key features:
  • Perfect positioning to deal the most and take the least damage
  • Orb walking to maximize damage while moving around
  • One tick prayers or normal prayers
  • Intelligent eating behavior
  • Reduces venom using Cure Me, any antipoison or any antivenom
  • Hybrid or ranged only playstyle
  • Autocasts regular, ancient and arceuus combat spells
  • Support for all magic and ranged equipment
  • Recharges your powered staff
  • Summons thralls for that extra damage boost
  • Utilizes your rune pouch - or not, if you don't have or need one
  • Multiple traversal methods - Zul-andra teleport, POH fairy ring, Monastery fairy ring and Legend's guild fairy ring
  • Multiple banking locations
  • Restores your stats at your POH or at Ferox enclave
  • Death handling - recovers your items and continues
  • Break and stop handling
  • Automatically saves your settings for the next sessions thanks to DefaultUI
Use the wiki to optimize your setup: Zulrah/Strategies

Need more help? Join the RuneMate discord for the quickest support.
First release
Last update
4.51 star(s) 70 ratings

More resources from defeat3d

Latest updates

  1. Zulrah Mate v1.0.50 Released!

    Zulrah Mate updated to v1.0.50.
  2. Zulrah Mate v1.0.49 Released!

    Zulrah Mate updated to v1.0.49.
  3. Zulrah Mate v1.0.48 Released!

    Zulrah Mate updated to v1.0.48.

Latest reviews

Bot doesn't work, once it goes to Zul'rah it finds its position then just crashes, tried Ranged only and Hybrid same issue. I submitted some debug logs. Will update when fixed
its working flawlessly 100 precent rec the bot honestly its ran over 60 kills no problem at all working great
used yesterday for 3hrs. only thing to complain about is that it wont use partian divine ranged pots from bank has to be (4) and today it lagged out my comp so i used it for 1 min 24 seconds and had to restart. got charged .14 cents for it. thanks
you can request a refund for your wasted session here: https://www.runemate.com/store/sessions
Honestly 5 stars just based off the Bot itself, i wish the price could go back to its 0.10 cents / hour price, but still worth it if you have higher mage/range. Make sure all your equipment is fully stocked and you wont have and issue.
stuck on ring of suffering couldn't find item I dont no what am doing wrong please can you help me ?
please contact me elsewhere, reviews are not for support, as i can only leave a single comment
Works great. 100 kills 0 deaths so far. Can't bring up any problems at all. Take your time to set it up properly.
This Zulrah bot is amazing, been using it for hours every other day, even handles random deaths here and there. If you're struggling with this bot, it's definitely your runelite plugins causing issues / settings not optimised for your combat level. This bot is damn near flawless. Great work, will be following every bot this creator makes, 10/10.

1. Turn off ground items
2. Turn off grand exchange
Dont get me wrong this is a great bot all things being said but i've wasted about $2 trying to get this bot to work all it says is withdraw pattern error for my ring of suffering AND my rings of recoil it just wont work and i really love this bot if there's any solution please let me know because this could very well be my fault i just don't know it yet
could you contact me in an actual support channel, like the discussion thread, my private messages, or the discord? https://discord.gg/runemate
Eats almost half my inventory of food when looting AT FULL HEALTH wasting all my supplies but when I'm taking damage on blue phase basically almost dying it barely wants to eat. Extremely irritating to use.
Bot sometimes good. Randomly eats all my food at full health for no reason. I feel like this bot used to be better a year ago. Didn't it used to have a mage only mode?