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Kills Phosani's Nightmare for a chance at some massive rewards!

  • This bot requires a Drakan's medallion for traversal
  • A spare Drakan's medallion is required for death walk, so make sure you have one in the bank
  • All of the equipment loadouts in the settings are required - use the wiki or join the Discord to optimize your loadouts
  • Preferably start the bot near a bank, with your stats fully restored
Key features:
  • Capable of completing every single combat achievement
  • Intelligent movement system to deal the most and take the least damage
    • Keeps track of all dangerous positions (shadows, spores, nightmare's grasp, nightmare's charge, blossoms)
    • Blazing fast pathing to avoid and/or pass dangerous positions and reach the target
  • Optionally switches to blood fury below a customizable health threshold for efficient healing
  • Can kill sleepwalkers during the final phase of the fight, sacrificing some kill time for less (or no) damage taken
  • Can use the blowpipe special attack on sleepwalkers below a customizable health threshold to heal up
  • Minimizes ring switches when using a lightbearer for totems for maximum special attack energy regeneration
  • Perfect protection prayers against the nightmare
  • Perfect protection prayers against husks
  • Perfect offensive prayers
  • Intelligent eating behavior
  • Autocasts regular and arceuus combat spells
  • Support for all applicable equipment
  • Recharges your powered staff
  • Can summon thralls for that extra damage boost
  • Can use death charge for extra special attack energy
  • Utilizes your rune pouch - or not, if you don't have or need one
  • Traversal using Drakan's medallion - unlocks and uses the Slepe teleport when available
  • Uses food dropped by the nightmare to extend the trip
  • Restores your stats at your POH or at the bank using consumables
  • Death handling - recovers your items and continues
  • Break and stop handling
  • Automatically saves your settings for the next sessions thanks to DefaultUI
Use the wiki to optimize your setup: Phosani's Nightmare/Strategies

Need more help? Join the RuneMate discord for the quickest support.
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Reactions: Bing Bong and nVIII
First release
Last update
4.84 star(s) 74 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Phosani's Nightmare Mate v2.1.8 Released!

    Phosani's Nightmare Mate updated to v2.1.8.
  2. Phosani's Nightmare Mate v2.1.7 Released!

    Phosani's Nightmare Mate updated to v2.1.7.
  3. Phosani's Nightmare Mate v2.1.6 Released!

    Phosani's Nightmare Mate updated to v2.1.6.

Latest reviews

Toggling MIDDLE MOUSE CAMERA ate over 1$ like nothing , not even sure the fuck is that and it doesnt matter if its on or off still says same bullshit, been using this for quite some time it was working perfectly , now i cant even start it and it just eats money
it is game update day. simply restart runelite and runemate and everthing will be back to normal.
Worked amazing when i used it couple of months ago. Works fine now when i teleport to slepe myself, but it gets stuck at every bank except tob bank. So when i die he just stands still @ lumby bank. Any suggestions?
there's something wrong with pathfinding to lumbridge basement atm. any other respawn point should work
Everytime when he gotto loot it aint looting just afk and stare...only costs money kinda shit tbh wasted couple $$
disable the ground items plugin, like the red banner on the client says!
does well but death run broke and when on totems with zaryte crossbow, and the preferred range set to 5, or 6 (its range) it gets stuck on setting attack style to long range and never hits the totems.

does everything else, though.
you're supposed to be using magic for totems, since it deals double damage
Amazing bot, really easy to set up too. Amazing bot, really easy to set up too. Amazing bot, really easy to set up too.
Great bot, But when it takes breaks it logs out, Then logs back in and waits at the "click here to play screen"
This thing got me an orb at 2kc :A . Seems to work well. No real issues with it.
This boss really needs you to do good dps tho.
please add a food count to trip options so it doesnt start with 2 dark crabs but enough pots etc but otherwise flawless
I want to give this a 5/5, I genuinely do. This bot is insane, but the issue I'm having with it is when it traverses towards the nightmare... It gets stuck right before the colored part of the center of the map. I have 0 runelite settings on (except loot tracker and GPU). I have to baby sit it or else it'll just stay there until it disconnects. Otherwise this bot is a 5/5.
Legendary bot, all ca’s and collection log done. stays for 6 kills at a time. Ppl worry if ahrims breaks it stops- imo not a prob bc u will be able to get ancestral once u use this bonkers bot. It does stop at the bank for like 3 seconds which does look awkward so i try to click the bank when i see it going there, but again u can find low player world and run it w nobody seeing u. If u are worried about jagex seeing that it doesn’t look human, I have very bad news for you - This bot attacks parasites/sleepwalkers etc before they even spawn, and avoids tornados so absurdly u won’t believe it. Even if u don’t want to bot this boss u need to use it for the free trial just to see how ridiculous it is.