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  1. N

    Resolved runemate bots not working anymore?

    As of 5/23/2019 4:40AM (PT), the bots are not working for my two accounts. Please comment below if runemate is still working for you or if you are running into the same issue. Thanks
  2. parametric

    Resource [PATCH] "Unable to create advertising"

    I (if this is illegal I didn't write it) wrote a patch that modifies jagexappletviewer.jar so that it doesn't create the "Unable to create advertising" error when more than 2 clients are already open. It's open source and pretty simple to understand but here is the rundown. 1. Copies the...
  3. arbiter

    Resource [Educational] Reverse Engineering Example - IntelliJ 15.0.2 & Other JetBrains Products

    Whipped up a quickie example of how to apply reverse engineering principles and Java ASM Tree API to an existing code base. I hope some of you find it useful for purely educational purposes. The GNU General Public License applies, as included in the source zip. Executable...