Cuppa Guardians of the Rift
Guard the rift, seal the abyss!
Cuppa Miner AIO
Mine like a super dwarf!
Based Guardians Of The Rift
The best, no cap
Mikes Blast Furnace
Fastest smithing xp in the game
Mikes Zeah Runecrafter
Zeah Blood/Soul Runecrafting
Mikes Lava Runecrafter
Lava Rune Runecrafting
Monkey Arceuus Library
Fast mage xp, no runes! Runecraft too!
Quest Assist Mate
Running around RuneScape
Rats Star Miner & Herb Runs
Make Mining great again!
Hexis Account Builder
Automate your Max cape, today.
Mikes ZMI Altar Runecrafting
ZMI Altar Runecrafting
Misfits Zeah RC
Blood and Soul rune-crafting
Benji True Bloods
Crafts Blood runes at the true blood altar.
Daeyalt Essence Miner
Mines Daeyalt essence
Smurfs Zalcano
Kills Zalcano so you dont have to!
Mikes Astral Runecrafter
Astral Rune Runecrafting
Mikes Mind Runecrafter
Mind Rune Runecrafting
Mikes Mud Runes Runecrafter
1m+ GP/H and 80k+ RCing XP
Forged by the gods.
Cuppa F2P Runecrafter
Because I hate Runecrafting too.