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3 Tick Fishing Mate 1.2.6

Teaches Otto a lesson!

  1. FrozenVomit
    Version: 0.0.3
    Works almost flawlessly I am getting xp rates of 120k/hr at 92 fishing. The only things I would improve on is fishing spot detection as sometimes it just sits there doing nothing and an option for a dragon harpoon special attack. Overall very good bot.
  2. Oridian
    Version: 0.0.3
    Misses a few ticks here and there but if anything that makes it more human- Amazing job making this! Would happily pay to use <3
    Maybe to improve you could add more antiban measures, other than that 10/10 :)
    1. Defeat3d
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review, it is going to be paid in like a week once i feel like there arent any issues remaining. Regarding making it more human i already had a few things in mind but i have yet to come up with a robust plan