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Good thing I was watching this because I also got stuck in the mines for 5~ mins.. after running this for around 30 minutes.
worked great for me i ran it for 14 hrs stright went from 64 str to 72 so we will see if there is a ban or not but great work thank you!!
After a lot of fighting got the bot working costed me alot of money but it works now:)
Would like my $0.12 back - ran the bot for about 20 minutes and it got stuck near the mine on Zeah foreshore. Not impressed, I can see other complaints of a similar problem.
well it was good for the first hour and 30 minutes but after that it started getting continuously stuck and I would have to correct it and I thought it corrected it but it started doing that for another 45 minutes.
you likely don't have your coordinate set within the correct location. If you send me your log file I can dive in further to see what the issue was.
Bot works great, however I've noticed every once in a while itll get hung up on trying to pick up a fossil when my inventory is full. I have banking on but it never goes to the bank. Itll just sit there and try to pick up a fossil 100 times. If this could get fixed itd be perfect. I'm on the Ammonite crabs, southeast side, using RuneLite client.
went to refresh and literally ran me to the other side of the map
sounds like you had the wrong location selected
Spam clicks fossils and ignores ammonite crabs when there is no room in inventory. Watched it go on for like 5 minutes before I manually ate so it would stop. Other than that great bot
I've used this bot across 4 accounts consistently with 0 issues, hopefully my review is both informative and helpful as I see many posts of people being banned . I use this on Sand Crab Isle in the closest location north-west which has 3-crabs in 1-spot. Make sure to adjust the break-handler/humanizer, un-check the hover over NPC and make sure to break between 15-46mins every 150-200minutes. I bank as well , using lobsters as food and the bot has no issues leaving sand-crab isle and returning after grabbing food and 10k from the bank
it works for sometime, but suddently when resetting the cabs at south shore, it does not run far enought and the bot just runs back and forth really botlike and not resetting cras.. still no changes to this, needs to be babysitted
it works but when on sand scrab island, the resetting is very bot like waiting to reach the tile and moving with a delay. Gets the job done but very bot like.
ive used this for many hours and havent gotten banned so idk what the other reviews are about, maybe competition posts or used on fresh accounts (personally only used & babysit not new/fresh accounts) . It might get tuck rarely but all in all cant find a better bot in market...
I appreciate the review <3!
I've tried running this with every type of break setup, but always gotten bans.. Even just 50-60 atk + def got me 3day temp
Can you send me your settings? I'd be more than happy to try and reproduce. I have personally gotten several accounts to max combat stats using this bot.
bro terrible i used it for 2 hours perm ban
so far so good, only issue is it logs out after a couple hours not sure why have plenty of food/pots banked
Do you have antiban / break handler set up? That's the only thing I can think of? If you posted your log file I can take a look for you :) Thanks for the review!
worked great but now the bot keeps running into the ocean when trying to reset the crabs. if you could let me know how to fix this i'll gladly make it a 5star.
the bot worked well and did everything it was supposed to but after running the bot for probably 13 hours in total i received a 1 day ban so 100% would not recommend
Sorry to hear that dude. Bans obviously suck when they happen. I'd advise you check out the Botting Best Practices guide that you can find here on the forums. Also, if you want some additional time to train up a new account w/ this bot, DM me!
Been having problems with a lot of bots recently, but this one works as intended! thank you. Only thing I'd say to change is that it will drink like 2-3 potions in a row lol, not a huge deal but it can be annoying running out early.
oh interesting... do you recall which potions you were using? I'll see if I can reproduce on my end and address it.

Thanks for the review :)
bot targets crabs other players are on - makes it so obvious
You'll need to change your player threshold value to avoid this.
GUI would not let me select anything but rock crabs? Ill change this review if you get back with me on this
You need to change the location you want to bot...