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ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.6.7.

Minor improvements
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.6.6.
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.6.5.
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.6.4.
ApexCrabber PRO (Sale!) updated to v1.6.3.
  • Further improvements to traversal logic
  • Sale!
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.6.2.
  • Improved traversal logic. The bot is better at no longer 'pause' between path steps
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.6.1.
  • Improvements to antiban logic
  • Slight improvements to traversal logic
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the GUI to not load properly for some users
  • Removed older RS3 related code
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.6.0.
  • Updated for RuneMate v3.0
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.5.9.
  • Added Divine Ranging potions
  • Special Attack activation will now primarily use the button on the minimap
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.5.8.
  • Improved traversals
    • Completely removed web walking from the bot since it was performing so poorly. Traversals have been replaced with a mixture of region and bresenham pathing.
    • Fixed an issue that was allowing existing bresenham and region paths to generate steps that were too large in tile lengths.
    • Region paths will now only be calculated if the destination is further than ~18 coordinate lengths.
    • Some other small changes, should provide a quicker overall traversal experience.
  • Added support for picking up "Unidentified rare fossil", and Clue Scrolls. (Please let me know if you see these work, I haven't gotten one to drop yet.)
  • Improved logic for detecting nearby Ammonite crabs and when agro is lost on them.