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ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.4.4.
  • Vastly changed logic to displaying information in the GUI. This should fix any recent issues in regard to memory allocation.
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.4.3.
  • Increased scan radius for Ammonite crabs slightly. This should address a couple of scenarios where the bot was not refreshing agro in some locations.
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Reactions: deecee23
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.4.2.
  • Updated the Crab Claw Cave bank location to bank at Land's End due to Hodidius rework. (I believe this is the closest bank that's publicly accessible?)
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.4.1.
  • Reverted update for bot settings to persist through client sessions. This feature will be modified and reintroduced in the future.
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.4.0.
  • Bot settings now persist through client sessions.
  • Addressed issue that was causing bot the prematurely spot hop when using the spot-hop playstyle. This was also one of the contributors to the bot running around trying to find an available spot.
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.3.9.
  • Completely rewrote Spot-hop logic.
    • Playstyle is now back to its original glory. Fully utilizing predefined locations that will put the player around 2 or more crabs.
    • Added some extra predefined 'hotspot' locations for the Zeah Shore location.
    • Fixed issue with playstyle that was causing it to act very similar to Active playstyle.
  • Revamped refresh logic for the part of the Crab Claw Cave location.
    • The bot will now exit the cave if botting within 35 tiles from the cave exit.
  • Finally identified and fixed an issue that was causing the bot to think Combat Potions were Attack Potions.
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Reactions: hwindow
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.3.8.
  • Fixed several issues that was caused by RuneMate's switching of default distance calculation algorithm. The bot is now back to using it's old distance calculation method which should result in a smoother experience for everyone.
  • Overhauled Special Attack feature.
    • Users can now specify their weapon's special attack drain. This allows the feature to not solely rely on the special attack percentage being at 100% before being triggered.
    • Users can now specify the duration at which the bot should check for the current special attack percentage.
  • Added the ability to pickup coins. This should be useful for some Hardcore Ironmen.
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.3.7.
  • Fixed issue where normal Combat potions were not working properly.
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.3.6.
  • Improved consistency with running far enough away to actually trigger a refresh.
  • Zeah Shore now uses a dynamic refresh area rather than the same general area.
  • Improved the static area for the Zeah Shore location.
  • Fixed an issue where powerdropping junk items was not working properly.
  • Fixed a Null Pointer Exception that was occasionally being thrown when using dynamic refresh areas.
  • Fixed an issue where the break handler would get stuck at the Click Here To Play screen.
ApexCrabber PRO updated to v1.3.5.
  • Highly optimized the refresh logic for the Zeah Shore location.
  • Fixed Illegal Argument exception that would occur from the timer ticking during the delayUntil call.