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Cuppa Motherlode Mine 1.4.114

The only MLM you can trust.

  1. Cuppa MotherlodeMine v1.4.94 Released!

    Cuppa MotherlodeMine updated to v1.4.94.
  2. Cuppa MotherlodeMine v1.4.93 Released!

    Cuppa MotherlodeMine updated to v1.4.93.
  3. Cuppa MotherlodeMine v1.4.92 Released!

    Cuppa MotherlodeMine updated to v1.4.92.
  4. Cuppa MotherlodeMine v1.4.91 Released!

    Cuppa MotherlodeMine updated to v1.4.91.
  5. Cuppa MotherlodeMine v1.4.90 Released!

    Cuppa MotherlodeMine updated to v1.4.90.
    - added a "Lower close west" new zone
    - regenerated the traversal web for the new updates to motherlode mine from a little while ago (the old web worked alright but had some quirks)
    - improved the profit tracker to be a lot more reliable/self-fixing
    - profit tracker now sorts loot by most valuable at the top
    taylaks likes this.
  6. Cuppa MotherlodeMine v1.4.89 Released!

    Cuppa MotherlodeMine updated to v1.4.89.
  7. Cuppa MotherlodeMine v1.4.88 Released!

    Cuppa MotherlodeMine updated to v1.4.88.
    Majin Kai likes this.
  8. Cuppa MotherlodeMine v1.4.87 Released!

    Cuppa MotherlodeMine updated to v1.4.87.

    - added profit tracker to progress log!
  9. Cuppa MotherlodeMine v1.4.86 Released!

    Cuppa MotherlodeMine updated to v1.4.86.
  10. Cuppa MotherlodeMine v1.4.84 Released!

    Cuppa MotherlodeMine updated to v1.4.84.