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Mines ore at Motherlode Mine efficiently and safely. Supports all areas (upper and lower) and unlocks.

How to use:
  • equip a pickaxe
  • optional: have a gem bag in your inventory if using it
  • start the bot anywhere within motherlode mine
  • select desired options and click "Run"
  • supports multiple locations at upper and lower level
  • detects and mines rockfalls only if they are in the bot's way
  • human-like decision making: prefers mining ores facing the same direction, prefers mining nearby ores that don't require traversing through rockfalls
  • on the bottom floor: will avoid mining ore veins with other players already mining them. This is more efficient and less annoying to real players.
  • intelligent ore management to overfill ore bag every time
  • fixes broken water wheel only when necessary
  • optional: supports expanded ore sack
  • optional: supports upper level super hopper
  • optional: supports gem bag or dropping gems
  • optional: option to drop cleaned ore rather than banking it (useful for UIMs)
  • optional: supports dragon pickaxe special
  • optional: supports east Falador Med shortcut
  • optional: Kitten support! Bot will feed kitten Raw karambwanji, and pet it to keep it happy.
  • customizable break handler, to log out for a little while every X minutes
Features in all of CuppaJava's Bots:
  • Saves settings from last session, even when you close Runemate. Jump right back in next time!
  • Customizable break handler, to log out for a little while every X minutes.
  • Customizable AFK handler, to idle the bot for a little while periodically.
  • Customizable stopping handler: to stop the bot after a selected amount of time.
  • Intelligent delays between actions.
  • Progress log with a bunch of info.
  • My own custom, robust traversal system written from the ground up. Doesn't rely on the Runemate "web" to work!

Alternative Gamemode Worlds supported:
If the bot is started on an alternative gamemode world (such as Leagues, Fresh Start Worlds, etc) it will only hop to other worlds of that type. Otherwise it will use regular worlds.


First release
Last update
4.34 star(s) 164 ratings

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  1. Cuppa Motherlode Mine v1.5.14 Released!

    Cuppa Motherlode Mine updated to v1.5.14.
  2. Cuppa Motherlode Mine v1.5.13 Released!

    Cuppa Motherlode Mine updated to v1.5.13.
  3. Cuppa Motherlode Mine v1.5.12 Released!

    Cuppa Motherlode Mine updated to v1.5.12.

Latest reviews

Ran it for 10 hours one shot and zero issues. if you're facing any issues, just use a profile with zero plugins and it'll be fine.

5/5 script.
Another excellent Cuppa bot. Personally used for several 100 hours without a ban. Great options depending on unlocks; upper level including hopper, bigger hopper, etc. Option to also grow cats - great for ironmen.
Got banned temp after using 4 hours with breakings. I was using upper section, with super hopper. Probably banned because this script is so popular, and too much accounts doing the same actions with same timing.
I'm sorry you got banned. And it's very unlucky to get banned that quickly.

As I've mentioned before, jagex often delays bans, and if you've botted anything else on that account I'd say it's very likely it was a delayed ban from that other activity. It's very uncommon to be banned after a few hours of running a bot, but very common for bans to be delayed.

Sorry again to hear it either way.
just threw this on for an hour while i was afking and came back to ban at 2:00am definitely not a manual ban. super unfortunate as ive botted some of the toughest shit (DT2 Inferno etc) with no issues but this MLM got me, will be liquidating the bank and turning it into a vyre pickpocketer till its perma'd i guess
Hey, I'm very sorry you got banned, though I'm glad it's a temp at least.

Honestly though if you only had the bot running an hour while afking, I really don't think this bot is what caused the ban. Jagex often delays bans for days or weeks, so if you've botted a number of other things on the account it's quite likely it was from one of those. Unless I'm misunderstanding.

It's your call of course, but jagex does seem to watch temp banned accounts closer, so if you keep botting a perm might come much quicker. Personally I let accounts rest after a temp. But again, your call.

Sorry to hear it either way.
This guy is a genius and does a great job with every bot he does! Listens to the users and helps out when having issues! I hate to copy and paste this message but clearly you deserve all the positive reviews!!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Kept getting stuck behind fallen rubble and got me banned in the end.
I'm sorry to hear it. Unfortunately despite my best efforts bans are always possible.

I've never had anyone tell me that the bot got stuck behind rubble, and it has a number of failsafes that should make this impossible... If you have more info on specifically where it happened, especially a reproducible method, please let me know more info.
Works perfect!! cuppa 10/10 bots
just wrapped up 99 mining using this bot, epic
The rare zero-complaint bot. Perfect.
Awesome work with this script/bot. It has been running flawlessly for me. Love the work you do Cuppa!