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1000+ kc so far - I think 5-6 death. it works great's.
when scurrius is dead, he prays against the smalll rats, that's kinda useless and not human in my eyes but the bot works great. cuppa u did a good job

Glad it's working well overall :) I think the behavior of praying against rats after was a botter request actually, though I agree it's not totally needed. I'll look more into it and potentially make it only pray against small rats in this case if the account is a low defense level. Will look more into it :)
Starting yesterday, I've been running into this issue where my character would just sit there, pray correctly, but not attack. So it just sits there and uses up prayer and eats food because it gets hit by the falling rocks. I double checked all the plugins and I'm pretty certain I turned off all the ones that interferes with the bot. To be clear, I've used this bot for about 500 kc already and it's worked perfectly up to this point.
Everything should be working exactly the same, though there was a game update yesterday and sometimes Runemate has temporary issues after them.

My best advice would be restart your PC and test the trial. But definitely feel free to dm me if issues persist.
Great bot, though it is susceptible to connection lag a bit and takes some unnecessary damage. I also want to note I have used primarily this bot over the few weeks, at most 3-4 hours a day with breaks and such, and today got a temp ban. I cant prove it was due to this bot as I've used a few others in lower amounts as well, just wanted to share my experience.
Account was hit with a Temp ban. Most of these reviews say that they werent banned, but i wasnt doing anything crazy just running a private scorious.
1800+ KC and it still runs as flawlessly as the first time I used it :D if you want great Combat xp SEND THIS
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Cuppa is the gold standard for scripting and this bot is a great example why. Works flawlessly. Only improvement I could suggest is adding an option to fight the group version of Scurrius with 1500 health, unless there is some reason this would not work. I've been manually pausing the bot, going to group instance and getting about ~40k more xp/hr.

I did intend to create a group version of the bot, there's just certain logic related to projectiles hitting small rats that might not 100% work currently. And I'd want to ensure that's 100% fine before making an official group version. Good to hear it seems to be working either way :)
Been running this script for 3-4 days straight on my pure with no breaks and have had no issues. Stopped it 2-3 times just because I had to restart PC but other than that never had a problem.

...t-thank you

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
What a bot!!!! This has been my favorite to run and is great EXP per hour! I haven't died in a long time since issues were stated. Dont Sleep on this one!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I rate this bot but sometimes it dies randomly and also it tends to spam the empty vial for some reason. Hoping to get more clarification on this.
I do know the bot can die sometimes randomly but it shouldn't be often. If it seems to be common, or especially for a specific reason (eg something I might be able to reproduce) please feel free to let me know.

I've never seen it spam empty vials; If it does this often can you dm me a log where it does it (found in Help > View Logs) and let me know a rough time it happened around? Offhand all I can think of is maybe it's trying to drop (make sure shift drop is enabled in game settings) or it may be a plugin interfering.

Feel free to dm me to discuss more at all.
Some of the BEST exp per hour, and I don't even have to do anything, thank to Cuppa.

Amazing. No issues, and super responsive author. 10/10 <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Best way to train low lvl's. Way faster than sand crabs and once you get the bone mace to 1 tic rats. 5/5
Absolute perfection in this script. Cuppa nailed it on the head! I even made a feedback regarding divine pots and food, and I see cuppa implemented it. truly shows his perfectionism in his scripts and helpfulness.
Well done Cuppa!

( Sitting almost at 2k kc in just over a week )

Yeah, snuck that update in there. Glad to hear it sounds like it's worked :D
Cuppa just knows what is best. All of his products are top notch! Will look foward to more in the future!
Amazing bot over 5k kc between two accounts.... really good xp rates even with the basic gear set up... HIGHLY recommended for ironmen starting out!! <3
Just ticked my 99HP cape off the list, quickly en route to the rest of the combat stats. Incredible bot. Averaging consistent 110k xp/hr for melee stats. Will be using this bot to max all combat stats (minus prayer obviously). 6/5
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Flawless, probably the best bot I've used so far.
Works really well especially with direct input, but glitches out when it drops arrows. Just have to make sure to manually grab them

Regarding arrows, it should work well though. It should pick up large stacks I think bug ignore smaller ones. Can you dm me more specific info on how I can reproduce this issue if it persists?
Absoliute love it!! it do as taking no damage and havin infinite prayer, could be run for many hours. Also get lovely 110k-130k/h xp :p grreat for ironman to train combat and make some money
massive xp gains with shit gear and shit stats
I am LOVING this bot. It’s my first one ever and it plays so much better than I can, haha. Using practically no prayer pots with flicking, and minimal food. Already coming up on 400kc since yesterday. Major XP gains for zero effort.

I did die once after like 19hrs straight, but I’m not sure what caused it. This is a practically a non issue though with the profit gained.

10/10 definitely recommend. Can’t wait to try his other bots