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Dan Blast Furnace updated to v1.1.8.
  • Bot will no longer withdraw ores if the coffer needs to be refilled (should fix a rare bug)
  • Fixed a bug where the bot would click on chest or dispenser before the ores were actually deposited on the conveyor, in a loop until the anti-stuck feature triggered (happened only on fast computers)
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Reactions: trololo23
Dan Blast Furnace updated to v1.1.7.
  • Fixed a bug where the bot closes bank, clicks on conveyor, then bank, then conveyor again
Dan Blast Furnace updated to v1.1.6.
  • Better coal bag logic around the conveyor
  • Bar collection should work properly when inventory has 28 empty spots (no coal bag nor bucket). This is untested, so please tell me if it still doesn't work.
  • Improved foreman paying logic
  • Better handling of Make-all interface if playersense uses mouse instead of keys for this menu
  • Walking near the dispenser should be smoother
  • Faster inventory sorting, which will be most noticeable for some accounts that had a specific non-efficient playersensed value (if you noticed the bot waiting 2-3 seconds after opening the bank, that was it)
  • Bot should now stop properly when out of gold, instead of closing/opening bank 20 times (triggering the action limit account saver)
  • You should no longer be able to input incorrect values in the bot settings (I've seen hundreds of exceptions because the mean break duration was bigger than the max break duration)
Dan Blast Furnace updated to v1.1.5.
  • Removed "Beta" from the name. This bot has been out long enough and is stable enough. It will go premium once it gets used more than 100 hours per day, on average.
  • Fixed the item icons not being displayed in the progress tab
  • Fixed some rare bug that would cause the bot to crash whe napplying settings
  • Clarified that the mouse overlay is for windows only and made sure it doesn't crash the bot when enabled on other OS (linux or MAC)
Dan Blast Furnace Beta updated to v1.1.4.
  • Bot will no longer use potions if disabled in settings
  • Bot will now automatically activate run
  • Fixed a bug that happened when ore in bank was at exactly the amount of empty inventory slots
  • Added support for an open coal bag
  • If shift-click to drop is disabled, bot will right-click the coal bag, regardless of playersense
Dan Blast Furnace Beta updated to v1.1.3.
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Reactions: PWNography
Dan Blast Furnace Beta updated to v1.1.2.
  • Fixed a bug that made the bot crash on initialization
  • Introduced a bug that crashes the bot when pressing "Apply changes", rendering the bot useless
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Reactions: PWNography
Dan Blast Furnace Beta updated to v1.1.1.
  • Fixed a minor bug that made the bot throw an exception because of the UI
  • Improved the timings on the conveyor deposits + coal bag emptying
  • Tried to fix a bug where the bot would (rarely) deposit an item it has recently withdrawn. To be investigated further.
Dan Blast Furnace Beta updated to v1.1.0.
  • Improved a lot of small things, resulting in less cpu usage and better performance
  • Added a bot state tracker (tells you what action the bot tries to do)
  • Added a "Delayer Settings" which allows you to reduce or increase the overall bot delays
With this update, you can expect less lag and ~20% more bars per hour. My account that was getting 2k adamantite bars is now getting 2.4k/hr.
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Reactions: Bjotorsflav
Dan Blast Furnace Beta updated to v1.0.7.
  • Fixed a bug where the bot would stall if the menu was left open
  • Fixed a potential NPE on bot start-up
  • Fixed the "Playersense" button on the camera settings (it did nothing before this update)