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Easy, excelent.
Does what is says it does, Works good easy to set up.
works fairly great
overall good bot needs bone burying though and bank presets for food but i cant complain its good
works great very simple no food though
The only issue that this bot has is that often it will take between 6-10 seconds after killing a monster before clicking on another one. If this could be fixed, that would be great. The eating too much food will occasionally happen, but does not happen often enough that it is a real issue for me. Overall works fine, but would love it if it was sped up a little. Not sure why so many people are hating, it's really simple to use, does the job fine and is one of the only fighter bot. Thanks for keeping it updated tho <3
Uses up food even when I have full health. Once it's out of food, the bot stops running. This is the only issue I had. Watched the bot for about 30 minutes. Was never 5 HP below my full HP level and would still eat lobs. Wasted all my food.
1 out of 5, nothing good about this bot
Good bot, everything works pretty well, except sometimes u will get stuck in doors, and the bot will afk, as it is unable to open them. It also eats food when you're at full hp, sometimes my whole inventory will be gone in less than an hour, when the monsters I train on clearly don't do enough damage for that to occur. Other times it doesn't happen, I'm not sure why this is the case.
For the last few days, the bot has stopped working after about two minutes. It performs really well while it works, and has very nice exp info, but recently it's just been broken.
So i've been using this bot for the last 3 days for about 5-8 hrs a day on and off so my schedule is 1-3hrs straight then a break for 30mins to 5hrs I also monitor it sometimes and turn the keyboard on so I can chat occasionally aswell as rotate as I please. this bot took my lvl 3 account to 31 to att 40 def 30 strength 30 and sometimes I like to pause the bot and go collect and bury bones. Be aware that the bot requires food in your bag to function.

I love it.
A very good bot no troubles what so ever good job.
Worked great untill just now, eats food when losing 1 hp until inventory is empty. Used to work perfectly the last couple of days.
Great bot, would be 5. does what it says, food needs looking at! I'm a level 85 killing cows and the bot eats a full inventory of food then stops. Eats if I'm hit 1 or 2!
perfect bot, got me high levels in a day
Very impressed! Easy to use and started up with absolutely no issues, clicks alot faster than other bots and seems very realistic!
Excelent 6 hours not problem
Flawless bot