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Works amazing for me, would just like to request an option to pick up throwables if that's possible. Overall it's very good and fluent.
best script
I LOVE this bot, minus one minor detail. It repairs my Dharok's equipment just fine when it degrades, except it does not re-equip it and will fight in NMZ with no armor/weapons until I come back and fix it :(
Left bot overnight, came back to it attempting to take out absorptions 100 times, as the bot had picked up a bone. With this price, I had expected the bot to have failsafes for these kinds of things. Like an automatic skip, or a check for foreign items in inventory.
Furthermore, the bot have very repeatative behaviour. The way it starts up, it walks to the exact same tile before taking out pots, and having a small pause there 100% of the time. It always uses rock cake outside the dream on startup to 51hp.

I mean its a good bot, that yields great xp rates, have a lot of nice settings and such. Just expected more for a paid bot.
A bit pricy, but a very good bot :)
I love the bot. The only thing I'd ask for is you making it so it can flick piety with only a couple of prayer potions, when dharoking it shouldn't be that hard and adds a lot of xp/hr :)
Dont know whats going on as of Jan. 26th , the bot Goes to error as soon as i start it, have been running this bot for over a month and a half no problems, beautifully, have gotten from 80, 85, - 95-99 stats. Best bot around, recently have leveled to a mid level acc 70 def/pray and now the bots not working at all. please help!
Legit, this script isn't so bad. not used much.
Not sure why but when i started the bot outside of dream it works decently well.
However when i'm inside the dream and starts the bot... it keeps leaving the dream. Tried the first time for like 1min , stopped the bot and cash got deposit just by clicking that ''start'' once. Tried again, and for 19mins it keeps trying to get out. another "hour" deducted from wallet.
This bot is very good. I have used it from 72 range - 85 and 68 str -80. However I got foolish and accidently let it run for a 5 hour period unattended and got banned for it. Not completely fool proof, but If i had to do it again, i would still use this bot.
With a basic understanding of "playing legit", you will never have problems with this. 5/5 A++

(Just fix the break handler please, because it's currently broken.)
Just ran 12 hours flawless. Just needs break handler tweaked... 5/5
No trouble I guess no ban yet :D
works perfect!! only bug i encountered was if you have no nmz points and u select 6 ovls then itll keep taking the ovls in a loop but otherwise amazing
Working well, been using it for a while now with no issues, only letting it run through one 3 hr dream before logging out or going and questing/training other skills
Everything has worked great except when i put on the break handler when it comes off break it enters the dream and leaves immediately after until it uses all the coins in the coffer and then logs out...
does exactly what it says. cant fault it
I have a great tip for everyone that uses this bot, a nmz session takes around 3h with 9 overloads(4). rest absorbs. when you're at 3h, put your break timer for an hour or so. then you can continue without getting banned. i did this for all my combat skills and no bad at all. so if ya'll getting banned, that's because you didn't use my guide.
Got a 2 day ban, was great while it lasted, I was botting over 12h a day, no complaints. Don't be reckless like I was and think you will never get a ban.
First Id like to say what an amazing script this is. Iv never had one so smooth with such few errors. If you know what youre doing and actually know how to bot you will never be banned. To those who are getting banned please read up on botting info because its youre problem not the script. Iv ran the script for months and no issues. It alone got me 99str 99att 99hp 99 def. Although it cost around 30 dollars im happy with the results. And to the fellow who said his script was eating till 50 hp. its suppose to do that. by the time the script gets to use the overload, the hp recovery sets in and you are back to 51 hp.Beautiful script! thank you!
Just ran the bot for only a few hours using the absorb method and was instantly banned on my main account. Worked great doing pray method wonder why they were able to detect absorb....