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  1. rats

    Rats Star Miner & Herb Runs 1.2.12

    Farming Variant If you are using the Herbs & Birdhouses option - the bot will farm all enabled patches that are ready ONLY when between shooting stars. In other words the bot will wait until your active star has depleted before completing a Farm & birdhouse run provided the patches are ready...
  2. based

    Based Chaos Druids 1.3.1

    Kills Chaos Druids in Ardougne for great starting combat exp, decent profit and thousands of herbs. Instructions - Start the bot in the Ardougne bank, or near the Chaos Druid tower. - Have a lockpick in your inventory, or in your bank. Features - Supports herb sack - Supports any food type in...
  3. based

    Based Ultracompost 1.0.23

    Creates ultracompost for high-level farming and decent profit. Instructions: Ensure you have volcanic ash and supercompost in your bank. Start the bot near any bank and press start. The bot will automatically stop if you run out of materials, or when the selected quantity has been crafted...
  4. R

    OSRS Giant Seaweed Farming/Alching bot

    Game Mode: OSRS Link to wiki: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Giant_seaweed Summary: Plant seaweed spores and have them protected and then alch underwater whilst waiting for seaweed to grow + telegrab all seaweed spore spawns, harvest/note Giant seaweeds on tool leperchaun. Required stats: 23...
  5. rats

    AIO Farming 4.1.19

    [Support Channel] Idle Activities Tired of spending your credits while waiting for crops to grow? Idle activities will give you something to do while you wait! Thieve Master Farmers in the Farming Guild while you wait for crops to grow, allowing you to get those pesky seeds that you have...
  6. dahnae

    Dan Summer Garden 1.0.15

    Complete the Sorceress Garden using the 1-click method. This is the most AFK thieving method in game and one of the safest way to reach that skill cape! If you have questions/requests, you can join my discord Requirements : 65 thieving and Prince Ali Rescue to access the summer garden Have...
  7. P

    OSRS Farming

    Wait so there's no way to script a loop to just run a player through tree/fruit runs and click on patches? You don't need data to track whether the patch is done or not. Set the script with a stop trigger if there is nothing there otherwise it continues on the loop till it encounters one that's...
  8. xmissmage

    OSRS Farming Bot (POH)

    Game Mode: OSRS Link to wiki: poh farming guide Summary: Start in rimmington, will unote bagged trees with phials and refill watering cans to the east. Will then enter poh and plant tree, remove and repeat until invent is empty or out of water. Required stats: minimum level 5 farming for dead...
  9. N

    OSRS Sapling Humidify $$$

    It is strange that no one has hopped on this before Requesting a bot that has a seed type input, grabs needed items from the ge bank steam battlestaff astral runes gardening trowel filled plant pot and *seeds* click pot next to seed and then clicks seed till each filled plant pot is filled with...
  10. B

    OSRS Acquiring membership

    Kind of new to the farming scene, was just wondering how you guys go about adding membership to your bots. Do you guys straight up just buy membership online? buy membership cards? add bonds? if you use bonds do you log onto another account and use them directly on the bot account? Really dumb...
  11. compkiller12

    OSRS Farm Run Bot

    Game Mode: OSRS Summary: Start out in any bank and be able to teleport and run to the selected allotments with the specific seeds (selected in user interface), and have the choice to compost, plant seeds, plant trees, harvest etc. (note harvested items). Once completed with all stops that were...
  12. C

    OSRS Farming bot?

    Can We get a farming bot? One that does rounds and or for the tithe farm? I hate that this is the skill I can't bot.
  13. qverkk

    [RS3] Farming runner

    Hey guys. So i've been working for quite some time on this project. Finnaly there's some progress. Lets hope that this will be done soon. Also guys, let me know what idle actions you would like to see in this bot ;) Screenie: http://i.imgur.com/3NhVBaU.png Working: - Herb support - Alltoment...
  14. S

    RS3 Livid Farm

    Game Mode: RS3 Link to wiki: Livid Farm Summary: Start out in Lunar Isle with required runes, and complete different activities around the lviid farm to gain points. While completing activities, player gains magic, as well as farming xp. Required stats: 70 Maigc Required quests: Completed Lunar...
  15. fake7

    i need some help with Dedicated Servers!

    So , i've been thinking on starting some really serious Gold Farm. And, to do that, i would need: either a Dedicated server, or some Hardware. so, i've decided to take the Dedicated server, and got two questions: 1° What server should i take? (see image below) 2° Should i need to upgrade...
  16. geashaw

    OSRS Tithe farming

    Willing to pay for one, just name me a price, $15? Here's the wiki page: Tithe Farm Here's a video: Bump, @Aidden @Party @awesome123man @Qosmiof2
  17. M

    RS3 Farming Bot

    I think it will be incredible if there would be a good working farming bot. Where you can put in all de herbs, trees, crops and everything else. Is there somebody who would like to do this?
  18. S

    OSRS compost buyer - catherby, ardy and falador

    Hi! I was looking for a script that would buy compost from the farming stores in catherby, ardy and falador. If the stores are out of stock or only have like 100 left in stock the bot has to hop to an other world. Buying compost is a great way to make money these days.
  19. moralda

    RS3 [New] AIO Service|Questing|Leveling|Fight Kiln|Royal Crossbow|CHEAP [RS3GP/PP]

    Questing: All Novice quests are FREE. I can complete any Novice quest for free, all I require is feedback. If you want to do more than 1 daily quest then you need to conctact me and I will tell you a price. Leveling: I can help you with any and every skill there is. Price depends on what skill...