I followed a post about how to setup intellij and I've gotten to the point where I run the program and it opens runemate but now I have no clue where to start programing, I also dont see the "test" bot that was supposed to show up from the tutorial.
Hello there, I would like to start developing some small bots in Runemate. Thing is, i see all of these tutorial video's online, but they're all from 2014-2015 and look really outdated. My question is, are there any new tutorials i can look at to setup Intellij for runemate?
it says "Unable to locate "C:\Users\Faustis\IdeaProjects\Runemate\out\production\Runemate\com\faustis1337\bots\testbot.class"."
using intelij, any ideas how to fix it?
Whenever I run my bot in Intellij to test in Runemate dev mode, it gives following error after logging in on runemate:
[Debug] Java Home: c:\program files (x86)\runemate\jre
[Debug] Java Version: 8u121 x86 (Oracle Corporation)
[Debug] Maximum Heap Size: 743MB
[Debug] RuneMate Version: 2.76.4...
Hello mates!
Has been someone developed a good way to check auras states from equipments slot, like remaining time or their names as well?
I stopped my bots developments at this point and, as I'm backing to botting, I'm willing to start crafting my ideas again.
Thanks in advance!
Currently trying to setup in IntelliJ. I've followed a couple of tutorials and tried searching other forums for answers, but to no avail. I've gotten all the way through (added library from RuneMate.jar), but the console is telling me this:
Also here are my Configuration Settings:
UPDATE and...
Pretty much title, I am unable to login to Runemate when I to run it from inside IntelliJ Idea. I'm learning to create bots and this is kind of frustrating, since I am unable to test anything out. All help is appreciated.
Important to note, that I can run runemate, and login in to my account...
After updating the RuneMate client a few minutes ago, I cannot launch RuneMate from inside of IntelliJ. I tried reinstalling RuneMate but to no avail.
When I try to launch the project I'm working on, I get this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError...
Whipped up a quickie example of how to apply reverse engineering principles and Java ASM Tree API to an existing code base. I hope some of you find it useful for purely educational purposes. The GNU General Public License applies, as included in the source zip.