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  1. M

    Monkey Arceuus Library 0.4.2

    ⚠️This bot is in development. 0.4.0 has been stable in testing so far, but I expect more issues. There are known issues. See BUGS section below. ⚠️ New bot. In testing, and free until it works solidly. I would really appreciate it if you'd reach out to me (MonkeyWithKeyboard) on Discord and...
  2. J

    OSRS Unlikely Request - Arceuus Library Minigame

    tl;dr Arceuus house in zeah has a library minigame. In the minigame you run around collecting books and you can trade these books in for xp. Up until now everyone thought of the books to be placed at random, but someone on the 07 subreddit discovered otherwise. Reddit post: King of the Skill...