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  1. swych

    Hexis 3T Skilling 1.4.15

    Hexis 3T Skilling Mines, Fishes, and Chops in a flawless 3-tick pattern. Features * Flawless 3T rotations * Optimal pathing for best XP per hour * Supports Special attacks for Dragon and Crystal tools * Many combinations of supported tick items, see the image below for all combinations Setup...
  2. aidden

    MaxiPyreLogs 1.0.8

    MaxiBots - Home MaxiBots Discord Server - Join the MaxiBots Discord Server! Makes Pyre logs for over 2m gp and 100k xp per hour with redwoods! Features Supports all logs Supports dose selection Up to 1m gp/hr with redwoods! MaxiBots features Activity system Configure as many activities...
  3. J

    Prime Woodcutting

    Jhinn submitted a new resource: Prime Woodcutting - Until they stop me, I will keep going. Read more about this resource...
  4. aidden

    MaxiWoodcutter 2.23.46

    MaxiBots - Home MaxiBots Discord Server - Join the MaxiBots Discord Server! Features Banking at any bank Power chopping (Dropping the logs after a full inventory has been chopped) Fast dropping Fast tree switching Can walk to the tree or bank location from just about anywhere thanks to the...