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Perform any combination of alching, teleporting and splashing you could want for some ridiculous xp. Has the ability to toggle each mode on or off (i.e you can choose to just alch and teleport, or just to alch and splash etc)


  • Any combination of alching/teleporting/splashing you could want
  • Choose any NPC or item to alch
  • Supports all of the teleports
  • Optional direct input support for perfect splashing (turn on RM advanced feature in your client settings)
  • Eats food with the option "Eat" when we are low health
  • Stops bot when we are out of runes
  • Failsafe for your mage bonus not being -65 when splashing
  • Runs to safety and stops bot when we are out of food and are low health. Should only really occur on 1 def accounts

F2P XP Rates
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Reactions: crymzonsan
First release
Last update
4.73 star(s) 15 ratings

Latest updates

  1. AIO Alcher Splasher Teleporter v1.1.1 Released!

    AIO Alcher Splasher Teleporter updated to v1.1.1.
  2. AIO Alcher Splasher Teleporter v1.1.0 Released!

    AIO Alcher Splasher Teleporter updated to v1.1.0.
  3. AIO Alcher Splasher Teleporter v1.0.96 Released!

    AIO Alcher Splasher Teleporter updated to v1.0.96.

Latest reviews

Banned yesterday after splash alching, was monitoring and my account got logged out of the game for seemingly no reason whatsoever, logged back in and it happened again, so I shut off the bot and went to do some legit things followed by logging out for about 24 hours to log back in to a 1 day temp ban, exactly as I was expecting. Was my first time botting in 2 months. Otherwise always worked fine, good rates, only used this bot for about 6m exp.
Great bot, been using it for a while and it works flawless. Only thing that would be a great improvement, would be being able to input multiple items in alchemy item and to add a timer for when the bot should stop. Other than that, greatest bot ever!
5/5! Another amazing script from OG boss dawg michael5555, brother somehow makes the best scripts in area! Only thing that confused me was reading the error about my magic bonus not being -65, but that is simply because I'm a fucking moron. Just wear full bronze, cursed goblin staff, dhide vambrace, hard leather shield, snakeskin boots, and you're good.. in case anyone is dumb as me.
Works good, but should add a ending timer/level
works flawlessly, stun/high alching and getting +170k xp/hr
Excellent bot! I wish I did a little more shopping around before i spend 10 cents a gallon on hexis tele-alch.. This bot offers so much more and seems to be a lot better overall. Great job out there.
5 Stars only because its FREE, but 3 stars real, coz it's doing
unnecessary clicks for (teleport,alch)
The Don 5* Rated - Easily #1 Magic Bot on RM for all your alching/stunning/teleporting needs. Customisable and free. Another B-b-banger by Mike bots
Flawless script. Was getting 105k xp n hour using low alch + ardougne tele + curse. High alch was 125k n hour.
Outstanding, been using it for my IM and this is a god send!!
Keep doing you man much love