If you encounter any issues feel free to join the discord: Word lid van de Discord-server KushBots!
Supported Quests:
- Cook's Assistant
- Doric's Quest
- Goblin Diplomacy
- Imp Catcher
- Romeo & Juliet
- Rune Mysteries
- Sheep Shearer
- The Restless Ghost
- Witch's Potion
- X Marks The Spot
Supported Skills:
- Combat: Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints, Ranged, Magic
- Agility
- Cooking
- Crafting
- Firemaking
- Fishing
- Fletching
- Herblore
- Mining
- Smithing
- Thieving
- Woodcutting
- Financially Secure: The more money you have in the bank, the better the bot performs.
- Member Account: This bot works best with a Member account.
Setup guide:
- Selecting skills: Enable/disable the skills you want to be trained
- Enable the activity which you want: Enable/disable the activies you want the bot to preform, the bot will always look at the highest possible activity to preform to train a certain skill!
How It Works:
Kush Account Builder utilizes the Grand Exchange to purchase necessary items for skill training and sell processed items, ensuring a steady cash flow.- Skill Customization: You can enable or disable activities for each skill, and the bot will perform these tasks randomly, mimicking human behavior more closely.
- Skill Settings:Enable/disable the skills you want to be trained and the activities that go along with the skill!
- Tasks can be set to Bank.
- Break manager: This bot has an build in Break Manager
- Min interval -> minimum time between breaks.
- Max interval -> maximum time between breaks.
- Min break duration -> minimum time that can be breaked for.
- Max break duration -> maximum time that can be breaked for.
- Progress: Here is where you can view your current activity and perform actions such as skipping activity and adding/removing duration of the activity:
Enjoy a more seamless and efficient OSRS experience with Kush Account Builder!