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This is a dangerous activity. Babysit the bot for 5 minutes to ensure it is working with your setup. Use a runelite profile that doesn't have any plugins enabled to prevent any unforeseen bugs I cannot account for.


  • Finds an empty world if started at the entrance
  • Always attacks the most optimal monkey (3x3 clump) or stacks them all together in one death dot.
  • Supports both chinning and ancients
  • Enables autocast
  • Drinks ranging/magic potions (incl. divine) and uses imbued/saturated heart
  • Resets aggro timer
  • Automatically equips new chinchompas from inventory. i.e start with black chins and move onto red chins when out of black chins
  • Teleports when out of chins/runes/prayer -> supports any teleport tab or royal seed pod
  • Failsafe to teleport, if it does not have a teleport it will run back up to the entrance
  • Drinks energy/super energy/staminas if using stacking method
  • Eats food in the inventory if we need to for divine potions
  • Failsafe bot stoppage if dced or 6h logged with low health (due to divine potion)
  • Setup your equipment and inventory for chinning/bursting/barraging as per the wiki
  • Ensure you have a teleport tab or royal seed pod
  • If using mage, ensure your staff can autocast ancients
  • Start at the entrance to the tunnels or inside the tunnels
  • If you are using the stacking method and wish to loot prayer potions you will need to enable the RM client setting "Direct Input"
  • Stack monkeys mode - will perform the wiki method. Useful if you are chinning to hit a max stack of 12 monkeys. Ancients can only hit 9 units and won't need this setting enabled.
  • Loot prayer pots when out - If we fall below 5 prayer potions it'll start picking up all of the 1 dose potions the monkeys drop. Theoretically you should be able to bring 4 prayer potions of your own, enable this setting and the bot can run forever until we run out of runes/chins. If you are using the stacking method you will need to enable RM client setting "Direct Input"
  • Use defensive autocast - if autocast hasn't been set it'll use defensive mode
  • Attack option - choose if we are chinning or which spell to use
  • Camp coordinate - if we are not using stack monkeys mode, the bot will sit on this coordinate to kill the monkeys and will return here after resetting aggro
  • Accuracy enhance prayer - choose to enable an accuracy prayer like eagle eye
  • Use rapid heal - choose to enable rapid heal so that we can keep pace with the divine potion damage. Alternative to bringing a few pieces of food
Known bugs:
  • If the bot fails to interact with an item, it may be caused by alt tabbing with the RM wiki plugin enabled. All I can advise is that you use a profile with no plugins enabled and keep input blocking enabled for the keyboard.
First release
Last update
4.76 star(s) 29 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Maniacal Monkey Murderer v1.3.96 Released!

    Maniacal Monkey Murderer updated to v1.3.96.
  2. Maniacal Monkey Murderer v1.3.95 Released!

    Maniacal Monkey Murderer updated to v1.3.95.
  3. Maniacal Monkey Murderer v1.3.94 Released!

    Maniacal Monkey Murderer updated to v1.3.94.

Latest reviews

This bot saved me so many hours - Great work with this one.
A 5-star bot across the board! Chinning has competitive xp rates with those reported by RS wiki (when wearing the appropriate gear). Every setting I've tried on this bot works perfectly AND it's fairly priced.

To the author: please keep doing what you do.
Prayer pots are not being picked up and I have DI enabled. Everything else works great.
Ground items plugin turned on? Turn it off
everything is working great except will not pick up prayer pots
G.O.A.T bot works amazing i mean i died a few times but im sure that was on my end because i had this and helldivers running lmao 5/5 regardless
Absolutely flawless, 70 to 99 range and 80 to 99 mage within a week. No issues at all the whole time. Seriously amazing work with this script good sir!
Better than the Skeletal Monkey Bot, My only issue its that its very bot like. Some AFKing and letting the character autoretalaite monkeys would be more natural.
Worked flawless for me, never died during the entire uptime and maintained great experience rates.
Does a good job killing the monkeys. Getting a little less xp/hr than manual but it's not major. It's a little inefficient with prayer usage if not using the dbone neck/bonecrusher method (it'll leave rigour on when resetting) but overall a good script.
Bot is flawless! 99 ranged already over several days, working on magic currently. Best part is I'm 90 mage, so I was concerned trying to boost with divine pots to barrage, bot failed a cast after first dose wore off, repotted, set barrage as skill again, and continued on! Perfect!