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- If using veng/thralls setup your rune pouch and withdraw your book of the dead (thralls) before starting
- Ensure you set up the loadout in fight settings if you want to switch equipment between phases
- If you don't have hard diaries completed, remember to stock up on ropes in your bank

- Support for all types of diaries (none/hard/elite)
- Automatically uses veng and thralls (spellbook swap supported)
- Customisable flinch method
- Crash preventer (world hopper)
- Prayer flicking
- Veracs degradation, blowpipe ammo, tumeken's shadow out of charge failsafes
- POH pools / altar to refresh stats

Example gear and setting combos:
Melee + Range


Tumeken's shadow (with veng)


Verac's damageless flinching (with bgs spec)


First release
Last update
4.53 star(s) 17 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Mikes Kalphite Queen Killer v1.5.7 Released!

    Mikes Kalphite Queen Killer updated to v1.5.7.
  2. Mikes Kalphite Queen Killer v1.5.6 Released!

    Mikes Kalphite Queen Killer updated to v1.5.6.
  3. Mikes Kalphite Queen Killer v1.5.5 Released!

    Mikes Kalphite Queen Killer updated to v1.5.5.

Latest reviews

Works perfectly. I'm using it to get the KQ head to mount for the Desert Elite Diaries. After 79 kills I got the pet (wasn't going for it). I'm not sure if it will pick up the head, so I hope I didn't miss it.
Ofcourse it will grab the head! Gz on the pet
10/10 BOT BIG MIKE. can you make it where we use the GE-Edgeville shortcut. I use the edgeville fairyring and the bot doesn't seem to know there is a shortcut and ops to take the long way. thanks <3
Does the job pretty damn well.

Is there a way you could change the phase 2 overhead to be ranged instead of mage? Much appreciated
Bot is wonderful for getting through KQ with pretty minimal gear on my 107 iron, banks and returns no issues. Would like to edit loot so i can get the range potions.
I'm still impressed how well this handles KQ. One oft he worst bosses in the game that I'll never do manually again. Mike never disappoints!
This bot has gotten me a dragon pic, chainmail, and a head in one slayer task. Author was quick to reply and added a feature when i mentioned something to them. Ill be back when im ready to go for pet!
add a comment to where it stops when the head is received from the boss, the rest is really good and setting the bot up is easy and fast aswel
Gears up and then gets stuck spamming the fairy ring. I walked it to the queen myself to see if it could kill it that way but even then it just keeps walking under the queen to flinch but wont actually ever attack the queen, just keeps dancing under her
Tried contacting the user to no avail. The issue wasn't reproduceable and smelt like client issues in which a restart would have fixed
Amazing bot. It definitely net kills. My only issue with it is that it TPs too quickly after a kill. Often times, I would watch it finish a kill and then TP away without collecting loot - even if I have full health and pray to tank a few hits.

Beyond the loot issue, definitely recommend.
my bad fing amazing even supported death piling!