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Catch Chompas, Log from pkers. EZ.

Start at ferox with box traps in your inventory (+ seedpod if you have one) and a ring of dueling equipped. Make sure you have plenty spare traps and dueling rings in your bank
First release
Last update
3.77 star(s) 13 ratings

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  1. Smurfs Black Chins v1.2.14 Released!

    Smurfs Black Chins updated to v1.2.14.
  2. Smurfs Black Chins v1.2.13 Released!

    Smurfs Black Chins updated to v1.2.13.
  3. Smurfs Black Chins v1.2.12 Released!

    Smurfs Black Chins updated to v1.2.12.

Latest reviews

Despite it sometimes needing fixing and a few errors. I've been using this for months. Smurf is always willing to fix it and overall it has made me easily 1.5b+ amazing script! Any issues are quickly fixed!
Great script, but sometimes it'll break. It'll bank inventory, grab teles but no boxes, tele up run down then tele back to bank. This will rinse and repeat until i stop it. It's 50/50 whether restarting app and client fixes it.
not realy good.when start,just stands in ferox and thets it.when you manuely tele to black chinchonmas then its starts working but jus until piker or bank,then its just do nothing
Also, logs out when a pker is around and does not log back in. same as Kaiscrivens post. thanks dude.
great bot besides it logs out when a pker is near and doesnt log back in... just stays idle and wastes my money... why?
This is in issue with Jagex accounts and runemate, there is now an option for it to just worldhop instead of logging out which avoids this problem
it fails to open equipment panel after dying to teleport back to ferox. Other than that it's a good script.
Smurf is extreamly responsive on discord, the bot is very good, think my pc struggles sometimes so it dosn't always get away from PKers but I think that my side.
So far working well, a few minor things, maybe like adjusting it so the player relays a box after it has fallen, instead of putting a new one on top, looks kinda suspicious and bot like behavior to do that often
I rate this bot as excellent. The 3.7 stars that it currently has put me off at first, I read the reviews, tested the bot and it has worked flawlessly since then, most if not all of the negative comments have now been fixed.

Just make sure to start with the amount of traps you want in your inventory so the bot saves it. Have ferox set as your spawn point and plenty of teleporting supplies as well as traps in case you die. I'd recommend keeping the banking amount low especially if your botting in peak hours to stop pkers profiting.

I had a few questions on the bot so joined smurfs discord. He was active and helpful. Would recommend.
This is a really well done script. I have used it for 50-100 hours. The issues stated below that were a fault of the script have all been addressed and the others are simply user error.
I have personally tried finding weaknesses to try and break it but for the most part this is very thorough and can be left unattended.