Hey guys im new here,
Now that I got one problem resolved im trying to get onto this one and it's the biggest pain in the ass. I can't find a download for the 32-bit Java version for my PC to fix this error. I've tried multiple browsers by downloading them as x32 yet they install as x64...
Okay so before we start, I'd like to point out my Java setup. I currently have both 64 bit JDK and JRE, and 32bit JRE. However, I'm 99% sure you will only need 32bit JRE to run RS.
This tutorial is aimed at those who have 64-bit Java, want to bot, but not uninstall their current Java versions...
I didn't want to uninstall my java versions or mess with any of that. I got Runemate to run using 32-bit Java by running the following in cmd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_121\bin\java.exe" -jar RuneMate.jar. Next came the problem of "Failing to bind to game client" and how "Both Spectre...