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  1. P

    How to quash bans after web form gone?

    As you might know, Jagex removed the web form at the start of the year that allowed us to appeal bans and quash them after 3 years. One of my accounts has passed 3 years but I'm not able to appeal still. Does anyone have a way?
  2. V

    Curiosity post/discussion!

    So I found a plant outside that caught on fire in my house and the sheer amount of smoke got me curious! Does Jagex cast a wide net that tries to combat botting in general? If not/potentially not, do you think they use methods that learn the quirks of individual bots (Anti-Ban feature does...
  3. dahnae

    OSRS Bans and fixed mode canvas

    TL: DR I am convinced that using fixed size canvas mode is the reason I got banned on all of my accounts botting the Blast Furnace. Hey everyone, just wanted to take the time to share with you my experience with bans in the blast furnace. So, as you may know, I've made a blast furnace bot a few...
  4. B

    Would Jagex ever ban a semi legit acc alongside bot acc?

    So I was doing an experiment running two accounts. One semi legit account (2-3 hours thieve skill bot time) and one suicide botting 10+ hours mining. I started on the 16th April, and just got banned for both accounts 10 mins ago. Both had botted today (semi legit botted hours earlier was doing...
  5. N

    The OSRS Ban thread

    Hello fellow OSRS botters. After the banwave that has recently taken, and probably still is taking place as we speak, I personally havent used RuneMate again. This thread is made to discuss banrates on OSRS, which bot you were running when you got banned, or really anything that could help us...
  6. T

    Ironman Is anyone still botting darkscape?

    Just coming back for a visit to see if darkscape bots are still functional and worth the time to run again? is anyone still botting darkscape? are you getting lots of bans? please don't just tell me to test myself, as I will but if someone can spare me the time that would be better :)
  7. s cript

    Q: Membership change ban rate?

    Hey mates, Have enjoyed messing about with runemate on an alt lately and am curious if any of the longer time users have noticed a correlation to membership or lack thereof and bans/warnings? Seems reasonable for a business standpoint to not be as eager to ban member accts, but reasonable...