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  1. watertao876

    Battlestation Thread

    Post your battlestations. Feel free to comment. My station itself is located under the table but ill post the details for you guys. And dont blame me for being a razer fanboy xD. Setup is missing my razer kraken 7.1 v2 headset which my gf is borrowing.
  2. ichaseexp

    Want to build a PC; LeaveSuggestions

    My current machine is outdated asf, so this leaves me no choice but to get myself a nee machine .... I'm not the one whose going to be building this pc, a family member is, but my job is to compile a list of SPECS i want to include in this build. The main focus for this Machine is to bot OSRS...
  3. I

    Resolved What to do for a slow computer?

    Hey guys! Im currently using a 2010 macbook pro, all stock, so 250 gig storage, 4 gigs memory, crappy graphics card. My runemate runs painfully slow and laggy on this laptop (no surprise really), it also gets SUPER hot, as soon as i start the program, it jumps 40 degrees higher than normal, and...