A semi-automated quest assistant, designed to make questing a breeze!
Directly interacts with the Quest Helper RuneLite plugin, so supports virtually every quest!
This bot is NOT fully automated, but will complete the wide majority of quest steps for you. To get started, select a quest in the...
Hello. I finally quit runescape. I am selling my osrs account (plus has a level 129 on rs3).
I will provide original recoveries and old passwords. we can write a contract if you want to feel more secure about the account.
-5 99’s
-farm pet (super rare)
-84 con for pool and jewelry box...
Hello guys, i'm an old RS3 player that recently returned to Runescape to explore the new skill. Though I don't find myself playing this game as much as I used to, and I think i might wanna sell it for the right price.
Game Type (RS3/OSRS): RS3
Asking Price: Negotiable
Account Details:
Salut tout le monde :)
J'ai décidé de créer un nouveau compte et je souhaite utiliser RuneMate au maximum.
J'espère ne sera pas interdit : p
Voici une liste de bot que j'utilise:
Extraction: ApexMinner PRO
Pêche: Prime Fishing
Cuisson: QuickCook
Fabrication de...
Hey mates! I'd like to create this thread for the pure reason of seeing my own progress using bots made from our lovely bot authors. To see if a max main is possible to achieve in the treacherous Jmod osrs worlds. :rolleyes: I believe my experience can also...
The client RuneMate client says I've hit my max instances (2), even though I currently have zero running. Help?
Already tried restarting/resetting everything.
Thanks much!
Dylaster4's Road to Ban
Hello i am making this thread so i can keep track of my progress mainly for myself but also to show off to you guys. I will be updating this weekly to let youknow what i have been doing with my accounts, and posting progress reports of scripts i have been using and...